Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETSacciperis, solis Tereus ferus exsulat agris.miramur Troiae cineres et flebile victisPergamon exstinctosque suo Phrygas Hectoreparvumconspicimus magni tumulum ducis : hie et Achillesimpiger et vietus niagni iacet Hectoris ultor.quin etiam Graiae fixos tenuere tabellaesignave ; nunc Paphiae rorantes arte capilli,,sub truce nunc parvi ludentes Colchide nati,nunc tristes circa subiectae altaria cervaevelatusque pater, nunc gloria viva Myroniset iam niille nianus operum turbaeque morantur.haec visenda putas terrae dubiusque marisque :artificis naturae ingens opus aspice :nullatu tanta humanae plebis spectacula cernes,praecipueque vigil fervens ubi Sirius ardet.Insequitur mir<strong>and</strong>a tamen sua fabula montem^^^paflaeCZ: Paphiae J W. 1517. parte CZ: a.Tte Scaligerpatre Haupt : matre Baehrens, Ellis.^8» turb(a)eque CHA : tabulaeque Ellis.*"2 cum CZ : tu Cltricus. humanis codd. : humanaeEllis. Ph(o)ebus CZ : rebus Aid. 1534 : plebis Ellis (" ezplebeis quod est in Rehd. GO ")." Procne, wife of the Thracian King Tereus, avenged hisviolation of her sister Philomela bj^ slaying their son Itys orItylus <strong>and</strong> serving his flesh to Tereus as food. Legend changedPhilomela into a nightingale, Procne into a swallow.* suo Hectore sc. exstincto. Either (1) instrumental ablat.," through their Hector," he being by his death the cause oftheir destruction or (2) ablat. absolute, " their Hector havingbeen destroyed " : see Munro's note (which cites Cic. Pro Mil.47, iacent suis testibus, " they are prostrated by the evidence oftheir own witnesses,") <strong>and</strong> Th. Maguire's discussion. Journal ofPhilology, III. (1871), pp. 232 sqq.'^The picture meant is the Venus Anadyomene by Apelles.414

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