Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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PUBLILIUS SYRUS) Eagerness for death bequeaths an indictment of life.Force a lover to anger if you wish him to love.To counter ignorance, too much breadth of mind isfatuous.Barbarous, not brave, is he M'ho kills a child.Many can hit on a plan, but the experienced findthe way out.) Beware of starting what you may later regret.The man of whom all speak M'ell earns the people'sfavours.Lose your temper once for all <strong>with</strong> the man <strong>with</strong>whom you don't want to lose it often.Cruelty isfed, not broken, by tears.The eyes are blind when the mind is otherwiseoccupied.I He's free from danger who even in safety takesprecaution.Love means you can't be wise :can't be in love.\\'isdom means youThe scar of conscience isas bad as a wound.What can happen to any can happen to all.^^ Cunctis . . . cuivis FV : ciiivis . . . cuiquam cit.apud Senecam, de Tranq. xi. 8 : cf. Consol. ad Marciam ix. 5.31

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