Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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NEMESIANUSas bridles too. Nay, once launched across thespacious levels of the plain, <strong>with</strong> blood stirred, thesteeds win fresh strength in the race, leaving bydegrees their eager comrades behind. Even so,on the outburst of the winds across the blue watersof Nereus, when Thracian Boreas has uprisen o'erhis cavern <strong>and</strong> <strong>with</strong> shrill howling dismayed thedreary waves, all the blasts on the troubled deepgive way to him : himself" aglow mid foamingdin. above the billows he o'ertops them in masterymanifest upon the sea : the whole b<strong>and</strong> of theNereids is mazed in wonderment as he passes overtheir watery domain.These horses are slow to attain confidence inprolonged running; also, theirs is youthful vigoureven in age that has served its time. For no qualitywhich has bloomed full at its due period sufferscollapse in spirit ere physical powers fail. In thefresh spring-time, then, feed the coursers on softmash, <strong>and</strong>, lancing a vein, watch old-st<strong>and</strong>ing ailmentsflow out <strong>with</strong> the ooze of the tainted blood.Soon strength returns joyously to their gallanthearts, moulding the sleek limbs <strong>with</strong> strengthdiffused : soon a better blood runs warm in theirveins, <strong>and</strong> they wish for long stretches of road, <strong>and</strong>to make the broad plain vanish in their career.Next, when summer has hardened the ripeningstalks <strong>and</strong>, scorching the juicy blades, has driedall the moisture for harvest <strong>and</strong> joined corn-earsto stems, then be sure to furnish barley <strong>and</strong> lightchaff: moreover, there must be care to winnowthe produce free from dust, <strong>and</strong> to run the h<strong>and</strong>s" Boreas.

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