Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETSunum mira fides vario discrimine portum 3tam prope Ronianis, tarn prociil esse Getis.tangimus Umbronem ; non est ignobile flumen,quod tuto trepidas excipit ore ratestam facilis pronis semper patet alveus undis,in pontum quotiens saeva procella ruit. 3hie ego tranquillae volui succedere ripaesed nautas avidos longius ire sequor.sic festinantem ventusque diesque reliquitnee proferre pedem nee revocare licet,litorea noctis requiem metamur harena : 3dat vespertinos myrtea silva focos :parvula subiectis facimus tentoria remis :transversus subito culmine contus erat.lux aderat : tonsis progressi stare videmur,sed cursum prorae terra relicta probat. 3occurrit Chalybum memorabilis Ilva metallis,qua nihil uberius Norica glaeba tulitnon Biturix largo potior strictura camino,nee quae Sardonico caespite massa fluit.plus confert populis ferri fecunda creatrix 3quam Tartessiaci glarea fulva Tagi.3^^ pronis om. R.^^^ festinantem VRB : festinantes Schrader, Baehrens.352 qua nihil , . . gleba V : qua mihi . . . terra R." i.e. at the time of the sack of Rome <strong>and</strong> of the Gothicsea-raids.* metari is the regular verb for laying out a camp." Lit. " mines of the Chalybes." The XdXvfies of Pontuswere renowned for their working of steel {xd\v\p).^ Noricum, between the Danube <strong>and</strong> the Alps, correspondedto a great part of Styria <strong>and</strong> Carinthia <strong>and</strong> included thedistrict round Salzburg. Its steel was famed : cf. Hor. Od.I. xvi. 9-10, Xoricus ensis.794

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