Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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I'nVO ELEGIES OX MAIX I'.XAShe sought for his beloved wife's enibraees, her kisses,words <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s :" Yet after all this is enouu:h," he said, " I havelived <strong>and</strong> I die in thy friendship, Caesar ; <strong>and</strong>, as I die,it is enouirh. From thy kindly eyes some drop willfall, when thou art told the sudden news that I amgone. This be my lot, to lie 'neath the impartialearth : nor yet would I have thee longer grieve forthis. But I would wish for remembrance : there inthy talk would I live ; for I shall always exist, ifthou wilt always remember me. 'Tis fitting so,<strong>and</strong> I shall surely live for thee in affection everthy dying friend ceases not to be thine own. Myself,whatever I shall be among the ashes <strong>and</strong> the embers,e'en then I shall not be able to forget Caesar. 'Tisthanks to thee I have lived the luxurious pattern ofbliss, thanks to thee that I was the one Maecenas ofthe day. I was my own controller : I willed to bewhat fell to my lot : ^ I was truly the heart of thineo\\Ti heart.Long mayest thou live, old friend I love so well;late mayest thou pass to heaven : the earth hath needof this : this should be thy will too. May the youths'doubly worthy of Caesar grow up to thy support<strong>and</strong> thenceforward h<strong>and</strong> on to the future the house" A.s captain of his fate, Maecenas did not aim at risingabove his equestrian rank.* Gains <strong>and</strong> Lucius, the sons of Agrippa by Julia, wereadopted by Augustus in 17 B.C. as " Caesares." " Doubly "is variously explained : it may refer to their paternity byblood <strong>and</strong> by adoption ; or to their personal qualitiesadded to adoption; or, as Gorallus thought, simply to thefact that they were two. Lucius died a.u. 2, <strong>and</strong> GaiusA.D. 4.137

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