Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETSImnc procul emissae tenebrosa Ditis ab aulacircueunt animae, saeva face quas cruciarat." ecce meus venator "! ait " hunc " Phaedra" "ligemus !crudelis " crinem " elamabat Scylla " "metanius !Colchis et orba Procne " "numerosa caede necemus !Didon et Canace " saevo gladio perimaniusMyrrha " meis ramis," Euhadneque " igne crememus!"" hunc " Arethusa inquit Byblisque " in fonte"necemus !ast Amor evigilans dixit " mea pinna, volemus."AUCTOR INCERTUSCupiDO AmaxsQuis me fervor agit ? nova sunt suspiria menti.anne aliquis deus est nostro vehementior arcu ?quern mihi germanum fato fraudante creavitdiva parens ? satis an mea spicula fusa per orbernvexavere polum laesusque in tempore mundusinvenit poenam ? sed si mea vulnera novi,Cupido Amans : ^ fato S : furto Wakkerns : partu Baehrens.° The ten victims of unhappy love are represented as makingallusions to their OAvn misfortunes. Thus Phaedra seems tosee a second Hippolytus, eager for the chase ; Scylla remembersthe lock she treacherously clipped from her father's head;Dido <strong>and</strong> Canace recall their death by a sword; Myrrha hertransformation into a tree; Euhadne or Evadne her suicideon a blazing i^yve ; Byblis <strong>and</strong> Arethusa their metamorphosisinto a fountain.540

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