Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETSeruimus cunctasque libet percurrere gentes.nunc iuvat Ogygiis circumdata moenia Thebiscernere : quae fratres, ille impiger, ille canorus. .condere, felicesque alieno intersumus aevo.invitata piis nunc carmine saxa lyraque,nunc geniina ex uno fumantia sacra vap'oremiramur septemque duces raptumque profundo.detmet Eurotas illic et Sparta Lycurgiet sacer in helium numer^s, sua turba, trecenti.nunc hie Cecropiae variis spectantur Athenaecarminihus gaudentque soH victrice Minerva,excidit hie reduci quondam tibi, perfide Theseu,C<strong>and</strong>ida soUicito praemittere vela parentitu quoque Athenarum carmen, iam nobile sidus,Erigone ; sedes vestra est : Philomela canorisevocat in silvis et tu, soror, hospita tectis^««_tam CZ : iam Aid. 1534.587-8 Erigone edens questus P. canorus en volat in sHvai^/a^ss:^ngonae es, dequesta senem : P. canoris plorat Itvrsilvis Elhs. evocat CZ : eiulat Jacob : en vocat 3Iunromj-thobgical allusions in f lines 574-579 are to themiraculous buildmg of Thebes ^hen the stones obeyed the caUAmphion <strong>and</strong>^nrlf" 1 I'Z' \ ^r*^f^ Zethus; the neverendmghatred of Eteocles <strong>and</strong> Polynices, the sons of OedipusshoMTi in the separation of even the flames on their altar:seventhechampions who marched from Argos upon Thebes; thegulf in the earth which swaUowed Amphiaraus^^*^^'f..ff 'f 'rr^'^^^T^'t'^^^^ caUed^^.i, not because thevfortified Thebes, but because they avenged on Dirce her maltreatmentof their mother Antiope. To furnish ThebeswaUs<strong>with</strong><strong>and</strong> towers Zethus brought up the stones <strong>with</strong> his strongarms, <strong>and</strong> Amphion fitted them together by the music of h§law fver°*^' "" ^"^ ^^^ "''^'" ^^ ^^''''^^ ^""^ Lycurgus her legendary412

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