Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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MINOR LATIN POETSLINES ON THE MUSESThe lines on the Muses were well kno^m in theMiddle Ages, <strong>and</strong>, according to Baehrens, may wellbe the work of the composer of the Disticha. Theyare found in the follo^ving, among other, MSS. :A Turicensis 78 : saec. ix.B = Caroliruhensis 36 f. : saec. ix-x.CATONIS DE MUSIS VERSUSClio gesta canens transactis tempora reddit.dulciloquis calamos Euterpe flatibus urguet.comica lascivo gaudet sermone Thalia.Melpomene tragico proclamat maesta boatu.Terpsichore affectus citharis movet impetrat auget.plectra gerens Erato saltat pede carmine vultu. j:signat cuncta manu loquiturque Polymnia gestu.Urania

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