Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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THE FABLES OF AVIANUSAnother wished to present " the god in the templewhere he worshipped <strong>and</strong> in the hallowed precinctsto fulfil a vow that was owing. " Now," said thestatue, " you will make a puzzling forecast aboutyour wares, when two far different prospects set aprice upon your work,^ <strong>and</strong> you will be in doubtwhether you prefer to consign me to the dead or tothe gods, whether you wish me to adorn a tomb orto be a deity. To your arbitrament is submitted thereverence of a great religious act ; in your h<strong>and</strong> alsoyou hold my death-Marrant." ^This is applicable to those who have it in theirpower to do a good or a bad turn according as theywish.^^XXIVThe Hunter <strong>and</strong> the LionA huntsman of renown <strong>and</strong> a lion were onceengaged in a contest protracted by long dispute.As they desired to put an end once for all to theirquarrel, they saw on the instant, it so happened, alofty tombstone. Thereon a cunning h<strong>and</strong> hadrepresented a lion bowing its neck in submission <strong>and</strong>prostrate in a man's embrace. " Can you reallyassert that the evidence of that work of art makesyou proud? Why, it shows the death of the beast."The lion, turning downcast eyes to the unreal figures,growled <strong>and</strong> in fierceness of heart broke into speech :" ut ferret depends on mercari ciipiit supplied from mercaricupiens.* viunera seems more suitably translated as " result of youremployment " than as " gift."•=i.e. to make of me a sepulchral ornament.•* I.e. the salesman had the option of benefiting or injuringthe statue.719

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