Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations

Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations


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RUTILIUS NAMATIANLSown he was; whom Rome linked to me as successorin office," in whc^se person my civil jurisdictionwas continued. His merit outweighed years whichhad not been waited for ^: a lad in the bloom ofyouth, he had the worth of age. Mutual respectjoined our kindred characters, <strong>and</strong> regard grew fromthe friendship of one for the other. He preferredthat I should hold the reins of power, although hemight have surpassed me : yet his affection for hispredecessor has made him a greater man.We find time to inspect the salt-pans lying nearthe mansion : it is on this score that value is setupon the salt marsh, where the sea-water, runningdown through channels in the l<strong>and</strong>, makes entry,<strong>and</strong> a little trench floods the many-parted ponds.But after the Dog-star has advanced his blazing fires,Avhen grass turns pale, w^hen all the l<strong>and</strong> is athirst,then the sea is shut out by the barrier-sluices, sothat the parched ground may solidify the imprisonedwaters. The natural incrustations catch the penetratingsun, <strong>and</strong> in the summer heat the heavy crustof salt cakes, just as when the wild Danube stiffens<strong>with</strong> ice <strong>and</strong> carries huge wains upon its frostboundstream. Let him who is given to weighnatural causes examine <strong>and</strong> investigate the different'^effect worked in the same material : frost-boundstreams melt on catching the sun, <strong>and</strong> on the otherh<strong>and</strong> liquid waters can be hardened ^ in the sun."^fomcs " touchwood " is here " matter," " material," orelement " ; <strong>and</strong> virtually " cause " in relation to opus ="working," " effect." {Cf. note on opus in Aetna, 337, suprap. 391.)**by i.e. evaporation salt can be secured from brine.Compare Lucretius' lines on the baking <strong>and</strong> the thawing actionof heat, VI. 962-969.807

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