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BOC Immingham Dissolved Acetylene Project Environmental Statement: Vol. 2 Main Text<br />

7. Geology, Hydrogeology and Land<br />

Quality<br />

Introduction<br />

7.1 This Chapter presents the geology, hydrogeology and land quality assessment for the Dissolved<br />

Acetylene Project. It includes the relevant legislation and policy, assessment methodology and<br />

significance criteria, baseline description, identification of potential impacts, impact assessment,<br />

mitigation measures, residual impact assessment and recommendations. Where activities are<br />

identified that could have effects on hydrological receptors water quality, the assessment of these<br />

impacts is provided in Chapter 8. Where activities are identified that could have effects on<br />

ecological receptors, the assessment of these impacts is provided in Chapter 10. The potential for<br />

cumulative and in-combination impacts is discussed in Chapter 16.<br />

Assessment Methodology and Significance<br />

Criteria<br />

Legislation and Policy<br />

Contaminated Land<br />

7.2 Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 33 introduced a statutory regime for the<br />

identification and remediation of ‘Contaminated Land’. It introduced, for the first time in the UK, a<br />

statutory definition of ‘Contaminated Land’ based on significant harm or the likelihood of<br />

significant harm (including risks to human health) or the pollution or likely pollution of controlled<br />

waters (all groundwater, inland waters and estuaries but excluding groundwater perched above<br />

the zone of saturation).<br />

7.3 Local authorities are the primary regulators under the Part 2A regime, with a duty to determine<br />

whether the land in their area is ‘Contaminated Land’, although provision is made for consultation<br />

and co-ordination with the EA in situations when pollution of controlled waters is an issue.<br />

7.4 Government objectives with respect to ‘land contamination’ are also set out as part of the<br />

Environmental Protection Act 1990 in the Defra Circular 01 2006 34 as:<br />

� to identify and remove unacceptable risks to human health and the environment;<br />

� to seek to bring damaged land back into beneficial use; and<br />

� to seek to ensure that the cost burdens faced by individuals, companies and society as a<br />

whole are proportionate, manageable and economically sustainable.<br />

7.5 It should be noted that this Circular is being revised currently, although the overall principles are<br />

likely to remain unchanged.<br />

7.6 These three objectives underlie the ‘suitable for use’ approach to the assessment and remediation<br />

of 'land contamination’. This approach recognises that the risks presented by any given level of<br />

land contamination will vary greatly according to the use of the land and a wide range of other<br />

factors, such as the sensitivity of the underlying geology and the receptors which may be affected.<br />

5100935.404 Environmental Statement August 2011 88

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