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BOC Immingham Dissolved Acetylene Project Environmental Statement: Vol. 2 Main Text<br />

17.27 During operation, the Electrical Switch Room will be protected from flooding by flood doors. Two<br />

refuge areas providing a Safe Haven for staff during an extreme tidal event with breach or<br />

overtopping of the coastal defences will be provided within the Generator Building. The elevations<br />

of the refuge areas will be 6.61 mAOD on the first floor and 8.88 mAOD on the second floor Both<br />

of these refuge areas are well above the 1 in 1,000 year (0.1% AEP) extreme sea level plus<br />

climate change to 2115 of 6.45 m AOD. All other areas will be allowed to flood and in doing so<br />

should not pose a risk to site personnel or to the continuing operation of the site. Furthermore, the<br />

Dissolved Acetylene facility will be included on the EA flood warning register; and a flood warning<br />

and emergency evacuation plan will be prepared.<br />

17.28 Site selection and Project design have been developed in full awareness of the flood risk<br />

associated with the site and have been executed in accordance with PPS 25 and RSS policy<br />

ENV1. The EA has been consulted and the requisite tests have been passed, both of which are<br />

reported in Annex 9 that supports this ES. The Project design responds to the flood risk and<br />

reflects the requirements of emerging LDF Policy DM10. The residual tidal risk is recognised and<br />

there is evidence of proposed protocols that will be in place to manage this risk to acceptable<br />

thresholds. In this respect, the Project is considered to conform to the relevant policies.<br />

Ecology<br />

Key Policies<br />

17.29 ‘PPS 9 Biodiversity and Geological Conservation’ reflects the requirement for the impact of<br />

development proposals on biodiversity and geological conservation assets to be considered. A list<br />

of biodiversity matters that should be examined includes:<br />

� the baseline biodiversity characteristics and their value;<br />

� the presence of any designated assets and their potential relationship with the proposed<br />

development;<br />

� the potential for development proposals to deliver enhancement to relevant biodiversity<br />

features within the design of the development; and<br />

� any requirements for mitigation of adverse effects, which should be embedded in the<br />

proposals.<br />

17.30 PPS 9 includes: a presumption against permitting development that may have an adverse effect<br />

upon a SSSI; sites of regional and or local biodiversity interest should be maintained for their<br />

contribution to meeting national biodiversity targets and contributing to quality of life; and the<br />

legislative framework for avoiding harm to Protected Species is supported by measures described<br />

in PPS 9.<br />

17.31 The ‘Consultation Paper on a New Planning Policy Statement: Planning for a Natural and Healthy<br />

Environment’ outlines proposed planning policy on: biodiversity; geological conservation;<br />

landscape and soil protection; heritage coastline; open space; sport; recreation; green<br />

infrastructure; and floodlighting of sports and recreational facilities. The biodiversity elements of<br />

this forthcoming policy document are linked to a strong policy commitment to the protection and<br />

delivery of green infrastructure network for a range of linked purposes (flood water storage;<br />

sustainable drainage; urban cooling; amenity space; habitats and green corridors for biodiversity<br />

networks; creation of attractive, sustainable communities; and sense of place, linking to the<br />

heritage of an area).<br />

5100935.404 Environmental Statement August 2011 290

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