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BOC Immingham Dissolved Acetylene Project Environmental Statement<br />

Features Potential Impacts<br />

Notable Species<br />

Water vole<br />

bank. No direct loss of either aquatic habitats within the drain or terrestrial bank-side<br />

habitat within 5 m of the channel would occur. The potential for temporary water pollution<br />

impacts from construction activities will be managed through the implementation of<br />

pollution control measures which will be detailed within the CEMP. Due to pollution<br />

control, retention of bank side habitats and lack of in-channel structures, no significant<br />

ecological effects on Middle Drain are anticipated (see also water vole below).<br />

A small section of ephemerally wet ditch (field drain) to the south of the development<br />

area will be culverted for the emergency access road resulting in a very small permanent<br />

loss; however this drain is dry throughout summer and does not support any species of<br />

note. The loss would not result in negative impacts on the conservation status of the<br />

habitat.<br />

There will be a 7 m maintenance strip along the top of the bank of Middle Drain and no<br />

construction activities will occur within this zone, other than in the immediate vicinity of<br />

the bridge landings. The bridge landings will be at least 5 m from the top of the banks and<br />

construction activities will not occur within 5 m of the top of the bank. Therefore no water<br />

vole burrows, commuting or foraging habitat would be lost directly. A 5 to 7 m<br />

demarcation from Middle Drain would be erected to prevent encroachment into the area<br />

and prevent accidental damage of bank side habitat and prevent destruction of burrows<br />

through soil compaction. Measures to avoid water pollution would be detailed within the<br />

CEMP.<br />

Water voles could be temporarily disturbed by piling activities which will result in an<br />

increase in noise levels; a worst case scenario would see noise levels raised temporarily<br />

from background daytime noise levels with the noisiest activity being piling of the bridge<br />

foundations. Vibration may also occur which could disturb water voles although the<br />

vibration will not be at levels that could cause damage to bank side habitats.<br />

There is little research available on disturbance impacts to water voles and it is possible<br />

that high levels of disturbance could lead to abandonment of burrows immediately<br />

adjacent to the site. These impacts would only occur during construction of the bridge<br />

and piling activities. The piling activities would last approximately one week. The length of<br />

time required to construct the bridge is not known but it is likely to be a small proportion<br />

of the overall construction period. Water voles displaced through disturbance could<br />

relocate to other locations along Middle Drain. Due to the good quality habitat along the<br />

drain and the low number of burrows in the vicinity of the site it is unlikely that the drain<br />

Impact<br />

Significance<br />

No significant<br />

negative effect.<br />

5100935.404 Environmental Statement August 2011 174

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