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Premios de la UICN - IUCN Portals


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(Chinese version). Villefranche-sur-mer, FR:EPOCA, 2010.Okavango Delta: Floods of life. Windhoek, NA:RAISON, 2010.On the move: Business and BiodiversityProgramme annual report 2009. G<strong>la</strong>nd: <strong>IUCN</strong>,2010.Pago: establecer pagos por servicios <strong>de</strong>cuencas. Amman: <strong>IUCN</strong>/ROWA, 2010.Pagos por Servicios Ambientales: MarcosJurídicos e Institucionales. G<strong>la</strong>nd: <strong>IUCN</strong>, 2010.Panduan Pencegahan dan Mitigasi Konflikantara Manusia dan Kera Besar. G<strong>la</strong>nd: <strong>IUCN</strong>,2010.Panduan Wisata Kera Besar. G<strong>la</strong>nd: <strong>IUCN</strong>,2010.Pangani River Basin flow assessment: climatechange mo<strong>de</strong>lling for the Pangani Basin tosupport the IWRM p<strong>la</strong>nning process. Moshi, TZ:PBWO; Nairobi, KN: Eastern Africa RegionalProgramme, 2010.Pangani River Basin Management Projectintegrated flow assessment technical reports.Nairobi: <strong>IUCN</strong> ESARO, 2010.Parcs et réserves <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> RépubliqueDémocratique du Congo: évaluation <strong>de</strong>l’efficacité <strong>de</strong> gestion <strong>de</strong>s aires protégées.Ouagadougou, BF: <strong>UICN</strong>-PACO, 2010.Parcs et réserves du Niger: évaluation <strong>de</strong>l'efficacité <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> gestion <strong>de</strong>s aires protégées.Parcs et réserves du Niger: évaluation <strong>de</strong>l'efficacité <strong>de</strong> gestion <strong>de</strong>s aires protégées.Ouagadougou, BF: <strong>UICN</strong>-PACO, 2010.Parks and reserves of Ghana: managementeffectiveness assessment of protected areas.Ouagadougou, BF: <strong>UICN</strong>-PACO, 2010.Partager le pouvoir: cogestion <strong>de</strong>s ressourcesnaturelles et gouvernance partagée <strong>de</strong> par lemon<strong>de</strong>. London: IIED; Tehran: <strong>IUCN</strong> CEESPCMWG, 2010.Partnership for biodiversity: making biodiversitypart of business. G<strong>la</strong>nd, CH: <strong>IUCN</strong>, [2010].Pay: establishing payments for watershedservices. Amman: <strong>IUCN</strong>/ROWA, 2010.Pay: establishing payments for watershedservices (Arabic version). Amman:<strong>IUCN</strong>/ROWA, 2010.Po<strong>la</strong>r bears: proceedings of the 15th WorkingMeeting of the <strong>IUCN</strong>/SSC Po<strong>la</strong>r Bear SpecialistGroup, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 June–3 July2009. G<strong>la</strong>nd: <strong>IUCN</strong>, 2010.Praticas das indústrias extractivas na Africaoci<strong>de</strong>ntal: síntese comparativa <strong>de</strong> quatroestudos <strong>de</strong> casos (Guiné-Bissau, Guinée,Senegal, Serra Leoa). G<strong>la</strong>nd, CH: <strong>IUCN</strong>; Dakar,SN: ASAN; Bissau, GW: AD; Conakry, GN:Guinée Ecologique; Freetown, SL: EFA, 2010.Pratiques du secteur minier en Afrique <strong>de</strong>l’Ouest: synthèse comparative <strong>de</strong> quatre étu<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> cas (Sénégal, Guinée Bissau, Guinée etSierra Leone). G<strong>la</strong>nd, CH: <strong>IUCN</strong>; Dakar, SN:ASAN; Bissau, GW: AD; Conakry, GN: GuinéeEcologique; Freetown, SL: EFA, 2010.Preparing Reducing Emissions fromDeforestation and Forest Degradation in VietNam, Lao PDR and Cambodia: <strong>de</strong>signing aReducing Emissions from Deforestation andForest Degradation-compliant benefitdistribution system. G<strong>la</strong>nd: <strong>IUCN</strong>, 2010.Preparing World Heritage nominations: firstedition, 2010. Établir une propositiond'inscription au patrimoine mondial. Paris:UNESCO, 2010.Proceso <strong>de</strong> preparación para REDD-plus enEcuador: <strong>de</strong>safíos <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> una visión <strong>de</strong>múltiples actores: resumen <strong>de</strong> losco-presi<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> TFD acerca <strong>de</strong> un diálogointernacional sobre <strong>la</strong> preparación paraREDD-plus, realizado en Ecuador en junio <strong>de</strong>2010. New Haven, C.T.: The Forests Dialogue,2010.Protecting the Earth's two most importantassets: introducing healthy parks healthypeople. Melbourne: Parks Victoria, 2010.Rapport préliminaire sur l’état <strong>de</strong>l’environnement en Afrique centrale. Yaoundé,CM: <strong>UICN</strong>, 2009.REDD readiness requires radical reform:prospects for making the big changes nee<strong>de</strong>dto prepare for REDD-plus in Ghana: co-chairs’summary of an international REDD readinessdialogue in Ghana. New Haven, C.T.: TheForests Dialogue, 2010.390

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