Constitution Of Kenya Review Commission [Ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

Constitution Of Kenya Review Commission [Ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

Constitution Of Kenya Review Commission [Ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

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60Executive: Sasa hii ni sector ya Serikali, Rais akiwa kiongozi, waziri hapo. Tulisema ya kwamba sehemu hii nimuhimu sana. Hii ni sehemu ya Serikali, hapa in charge ni Rais. Chini yake iko mawaziri. Hapa tuna maoni haya,ni mingi lakini, vile nime sema. Nitasema machache. An executive should be a degree holder, an executiveshould be upright and God fearing or either practicing a religion. An executive should declare his wealth throughthe <strong>Kenya</strong>n Gazette. An executive should have an important post before becoming a Legislator.A Prime Minister should have the following important duties amongst others. Appoint his ministers, anotherassistant another assistant, appoint diplomatic corps, appoint attorney general, chief justice ...[inaudible.]... chiefkadhi should be a member of the Executive representing Muslims. Tumesema ya kwamba Chief Kadhi awemember of the Executive. Awe kama, katika Bunge, awe kama Waziri, huko juu. Hii sector ya Executive ndiomuhimu sana. Hii ndio Serikali. Chief Kadhi awe katika Executive.Kadhi should also become an ex-officio member of Parliament. Leo licha ya wabunge wengine tuko na AttorneyGeneral, Speaker ambayo wako katika Bunge kila wakati. Attorney General ni mkuu wa sheria. Yeye si mbunge.Kwa vile Bunge ndio ina... ina... ina... tengeneza mambo ya... mambo ya... mambo ya sheria, Ag ana kuweko ndani.The Speaker pia ni ex-officio. Tuna thibiti... tuna... tuna... pendekeza ya kwamba, Kadhi should also be anex-officio as ...[...?...]... Waislamu awe ex-officio kwa sababu Kiislamu ina sheria yake. Kwa hivyo ati awe katikanini, katika Bunge, katika... aweke an ex-officio of Bunge.Attorney General should go through suspects files and convicts files and give judgment on appeal. Should no bebiased in executing his duties. And should not be manipulated.Judiciary: Hii sehemu pia ni muhimu kwa sababu ina husu... ina tuhusu sana. Islamic Courts should be introducedto serve Muslims both Civil and Criminals. Koti ya Waislamu lazima ifunguliwe kuhukumu... kushughilikiaWaislamu. Muslims should be judged according to the teaching of the Koran. Tunapendekeza ya kwambaWaislamu, waadhibiwe kulingana na Koran. Kwa sababu Koran ina husu kila sector ya binadamu, na hakuna kituambacho kimewachwa wazi. Muslim Judges should be employed to handle Islamic labour matters. Judges waWaislamu waajiriwe, ili wajaribu kushughulikia, shughuli za Waislamu. Islamic Law Schools should beestablished.The special cells and jails should be put in place for the Muslim convicts clothing and room for prayer should bethere. Hapa tumesema ya kwamba, jela kwamba... kama ni wafungwa, Muislamu yuko tafauti na Wakenyawengine. Kwa sababu Waislamu ana taratibu zake za maisha. Ana vile anavyoishi, Muislamu lazima awe safi.Majela mengine si safi kwa Muislamu, Muislamu anatakiwa asali na kila wakati asome Koran, anatakiwa anaendazake Kotini. Kwa hivyo tunapendekeza cells, special cells for Muslims should be opened.

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