А. Монастырский, Н. Панитков, И. Макаревич, Е. Елагина, С ...

А. Монастырский, Н. Панитков, И. Макаревич, Е. Елагина, С ...

А. Монастырский, Н. Панитков, И. Макаревич, Е. Елагина, С ...


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tradition, into which the aesthetic praxis of CA falls Or does the application of the strange device of<br />

reducing the portrait in size draw attention to the ambivalent relationship to this tradition From my<br />

point of the view, this performance demonstrates the CA‘s self-image as an aesthetic praxis that does<br />

not only create a situation for aesthetic perception, but connects this situation with the process of<br />

reflection, relating the direct experience of ―now and here‖ with general systemic philosophical<br />

notions. As I see it, playing on spatio-temporal categories, perception, and cognition have a central<br />

meaning to the activities of CA. In this connection, one could ask: why didn‘t you hang up a portrait<br />

of Immanuel Kant Maybe because the case of Heidegger gives rise to a more provocatively<br />

ambivalent relationship to the philosophical tradition<br />

If the rational system of Kant is still centered on the subjective capacities for perception and<br />

cognition, then in Heidegger, we encounter more complex interconnections between the subject and<br />

the object, which form the structure of aesthetic experience. Moreover, subject and object can<br />

potentially trade places. But here the most provocative moment probably consists in the fact that the<br />

portrait of Heidegger (and especially his canonic portrait with oak-leaves on his jacket lapels) refers<br />

to the realization of philosophical praxis in the political context of fascist ideology. To talk about the<br />

connection between aesthetic and philosophico-political contexts in more detail, it makes sense to<br />

examine the use of notions such as spatiality, space, and place in Heidegger. For action art, it is<br />

important that Heidegger develops a phenomenological understanding of space – in counterbalance to<br />

abstract, mathematical space – through the experience of the Lebenswelt (―life-world‖). This gives<br />

rise to a different view of the surrounding world. The installation of things creates an aesthetic<br />

experience of place that I view as something ambivalent. On the one hand, Heidegger developed the<br />

notion of ―ground/homeland‖ as the fundamental place of a people‘s existence, which fascist ideology<br />

later appropriated. On the other hand, if one follows Heidegger‘s line of thinking, the installation of<br />

things means that they are no longer perceived as such (as in Kant); instead, they displace the gaze<br />

onto the surrounding world. The boundaries of the artwork become blurred, giving rise to a new<br />

experience of openness.<br />

A.M.: We did actually use Kant – in the form of an unusually big (fat) book – in the action 625-520,<br />

the first action of the forest cycle, whose last action is actually Slogan-2003, which use the unusually<br />

small portrait of Heidegger. What is interesting in both cases is the distortion and hypertrophy of size,<br />

not only as a stylistic trait of romanticism, but as a certain pathology of discourse, which this plastical<br />

abnormality actually refers to. What we have here is a diagnose of CA: textual distension along with<br />

visual insuffiency and squalid design. But you could also apply this diagnose to the Russian<br />

logocentric mentality as a whole. The maniacal commitment to logocentrism in Russia (which I<br />

emphasize by carrying on the discourse of CA and opposing it to Western anthropocentrism) is, in<br />

fact, the ―philosophical‖ basis for the total disregard for the human personality in Russia at all stages<br />

of its history, including modernity. In Russia (and in the aesthetics of CA, to my sincere regret and<br />

shame), the human being is an abstract structural element, dangling somewhere along the ―edges‖, a<br />

certain instrument of a supposedly ―scientific‖ exploration of something ―common‖, of ―everything‖,<br />

etc. This is why human life has no value here, in essence.<br />

Getting back to the Heidegger portrait in the action Slogan-2003, one should consider the<br />

commonalities between the Action with Hours and this slogan. In fact, a string was drawn through the<br />

forest from the tape recorder from the Action with Hours to the portrait of Heidegger. The tape<br />

recorder reproduced texts of Soviet polar explorers of the 1930s, which segued into Heidegger‘s text<br />

on extension. So what we have here are the different sides of temporal and totalitarian commonality<br />

through the juxtaposition of Soviet polar explorers and Heidegger. Here, it is as if Heidegger emerges<br />

out these polar explorers just like Russian literature emerges from Gogol‘s overcoat. Although, of<br />

course, the structure of this interrelation is more complex. But this aspect is also present. Excessive<br />

acuity toward existentialism leads to totalitarianism. Polar explorers and hermits are very closely<br />

related. Soviet polar explorers are state hermits and present an interesting statist form of<br />

existentialism. Polar explorers are very religious and ascetic somehow. And, of course, so is<br />

Heidegger. Befitting of his religious essence, he deserves a ―portrait‖ (―icon‖) and ―speech‖<br />

(―preaching‖) (Action with Hours). But the figure of Kant is the complete opposite in this sense; he is<br />

critical, which is why he was given a ―book‖ (625-520), though it was inflated to an abnormal size,<br />

apparently because, in fact, it contained his early, pre-critical texts. As far as CA is concerned, it<br />

seems to me that we have reached a post-critical period, especially in our last Slogan-2005. And here<br />

it is important not to lose a sense of irony; otherwise, it could easily lead to some new mania.

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