14.11.2012 Aufrufe

Jahresschrift - Würzburger Dolmetscherschule

Jahresschrift - Würzburger Dolmetscherschule

Jahresschrift - Würzburger Dolmetscherschule


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Auslandserfahrung<br />

Auslandserfahrung<br />

Our trip to Aston University, England<br />

58<br />

On February 23rd, I went to visit my old university<br />

together with a group of FAIII students. As is commonly<br />

known, it's a popular option to do a Masters<br />

right after successfully completing the Staatsexamen<br />

here in Wuerzburg at our school. Many of the<br />

universities our students have chosen in the past<br />

regularly send over representatives to give talks<br />

about the programmes they offer. Aston has done<br />

so as well. Until this year. This year, we decided to<br />

take a closer glimpse at what university life in the<br />

UK is like and attend some modules while we're<br />

there.<br />

We left Thursday morning at around 8 o'clock to<br />

catch the train to Frankfurt. Our plane took off<br />

around noon, and before Michael could say 'I've<br />

never been on a plane before, I don't quite know<br />

what to expect', we touched ground again in Birmingham,<br />

England. There are other ways of getting<br />

to England these days – one could take the train<br />

through the Euro tunnel or drive by car and cross<br />

with the ferry – but flying still seems like the most<br />

relaxed of options, and the cheapest.<br />

We stayed at one of the bigger B&Bs on Broad<br />

Street, the going-out centre of Birmingham. On our<br />

25-minute walk to the university, the students got<br />

a nice overview of the city; we passed symphony<br />

hall, lots of pubs and bars, but also city hall, Victoria<br />

Square and many museums (which are all free of<br />

charge in England!).<br />

The modules we attended were Theoretical Concepts<br />

of Translation and Interpreting, Research Methods<br />

as well as a practical translation course with

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