Introduction to Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanotechnology


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on the surface, which means that they can have very different magnetic properties<br />

than larger grain particles. It has been shown that treating the surfaces of<br />

nanoparticles of z-Fe that are 600 nm long and 100 nm wide with various chemicals<br />

can produce variations in the coercive field by as much as 50%, underlining the<br />

importance of the surface of nanomagnetic particles in determining the magnetic<br />

properties of the grain. Thus the dynamical behavior of very small magnetic particles<br />

is somewhat more complicated than predicted by the SW model, and remains a<br />

subject of continuing research.<br />


Another area of ongoing research in nanomagnetism involves developing magnetic<br />

materials by filling porous substances with nanosized magnetic particles. In fact,<br />

there are actually naturally occurring materials having molecular cavities filled with<br />

nanosized magnetic particles. Ferritin is a biological molecule, 25% iron by weight,<br />

which consists of a symmetric protein shell in the shape of a hollow sphere having<br />

an inner diameter of 7.5 nm and an outer diameter of 12.5 nm. The molecule plays<br />

the role in biological systems as a means of s<strong>to</strong>ring Fe3+ for an organism. One<br />

quarter of the iron in the human body is in ferritin, and 70% is in hemoglobin. The<br />

ferritin cavity is normally filled with a crystal of iron oxide 5Fe20, . 9H20. The iron<br />

oxide can be incorporated in<strong>to</strong> the cavity from solution, where the number of iron<br />

a<strong>to</strong>ms per protein is controlled from a few <strong>to</strong> a few thousand per protein molecule.<br />

The magnetic properties of the molecule depend on the number and kind of particles<br />

in the cavity, and the system can be engineered <strong>to</strong> be ferromagnetic or antiferro-<br />

magnetic. The blocking temperature TB is the temperature below which thermally<br />

assisted hopping, between different magnetic orientations, becomes frozen out.<br />

Figure 7.9 shows that the blocking temperature decreases with a decrease in the<br />

number of iron a<strong>to</strong>ms in the cavity. Femtin also displays magnetic quantum<br />

tunneling at very low temperatures. In zero magnetic field and at the very low<br />

temperature of 0.2 K the magnetization tunnels coherently back and forth between<br />

two minima. This effect makes its appearance as a resonance line in frequency-<br />

dependent magnetic susceptibility data. Figure 7.1 0 shows the results of a measure-<br />

ment of the resonant frequency of this susceptibility versus the number of iron a<strong>to</strong>ms<br />

per molecule. We see that the frequency decreases from 3 x lo8 Hz for 800 a<strong>to</strong>ms <strong>to</strong><br />

IO6 Hz for 4600 a<strong>to</strong>ms. The resonance disappears when a DC magnetic field is<br />

applied, and the symmetry of the double walled potential is broken.<br />

Zeolites are crystalline silicates with intrinsic pores of well-defined shape, Fig. 6.24<br />

(of Chapter 6) gives a schematic of a zeolite structure. These materials can be used as a<br />

matrix for the confinement of magnetic nanoparticles. Measurements of the tempera-<br />

ture dependence of the susceptibility of iron particles incorporated in<strong>to</strong> the pores<br />

exhibited paramagnetic behavior, with the magnetic susceptibility x obeying the Curie<br />

law, x = C/T, where C is a constant, but there was no evidence of ferromagnetism.

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