Introduction to Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanotechnology


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If one applies an external oscillating force Focos(dt) <strong>to</strong> a darnpcd harmonic<br />

oscilla<strong>to</strong>r, a very large increase in amplitude occurs when the rrcqucncy of the<br />

applied force w’ equals the naninl resonant frequency tu of the oscilla<strong>to</strong>r. This is<br />

called resononce. The increase in amplitude depends on the magnitude of the<br />

damping term b in Eq. ( 13.2). which Es the cause of dissipation, Figure 13.3b shows<br />

how the magnitude of the damping fac<strong>to</strong>r affects the amplitude at rcsonance for a<br />

vibrating mass on a spring. Noticc that the smaller the damping fac<strong>to</strong>r, the narrower<br />

the resonance peak, and the greater the increase in amplitude. The qualiiy fac<strong>to</strong>r Q<br />

for the resonance given by thc cxprcssion Q =wold<strong>to</strong>, where dw is thc width of the<br />

resonance at half height and iol), the resonant frequency. The quality fac<strong>to</strong>r is the<br />

energy s<strong>to</strong>red divided by the energy dissipated per cycle, so the inverse of the qualiv<br />

fac<strong>to</strong>r 1/Q is a measure ofthe dissipation of energy. Nanosized cantilcvcrs have very<br />

high Q values and dissipate little cnergy as, they oscillate. Such devices will be very<br />

sensitive <strong>to</strong> external damping. which is essential <strong>to</strong> developing sensing devices.<br />

High-Q devices also have low thcrmomechanical noise, which means significantly<br />

less random mechanical fluctuations, The Q values of high+ electrical devices are<br />

in thc order of several hundreds, but NEMS oscilla<strong>to</strong>rs can Rave Q vnlucs I000 times<br />

higher. Another advantage OF NEMS devices is that they require very little power <strong>to</strong><br />

drive them. A picowatt (IO-” W) of po\wr can drive an NEMS devicc with a low<br />

signal-<strong>to</strong>-noise ratio (SN R).<br />

Computer simulation has been used <strong>to</strong> evaluate the potential of various nanomachine<br />

concepts. One example. shown in Fig. 13.8, is the idea of making gcars out<br />

of nnnotubes. The “teeth” of the gcar would be benzene molecules b~ndcd <strong>to</strong> the<br />

outcr walls of the tube. The power gcar on the left side of the figurc is charged<br />

in order <strong>to</strong> make a dipole mon-tent across the diameter af the mk. Application of an<br />

alternating electric field could induce this gear <strong>to</strong> rotate. An essential part of any<br />

i<br />

Figure 13.8. Illustration of a proposed rnelhod for making gears by attaching benzene<br />

molecules <strong>to</strong> ihe outside of carbon nanotubes. (With permission from D, SrivasEava el al., in<br />

Handbook of Namstructured Materials and Nanor8chmlogy, H. S. Nalwa, ed., Academic Press,<br />

San Diego, 2000, Yol. 2, Chapter 14, p. 697.)

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