Introduction to Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanotechnology


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molecule is a double nanowire, hvo nucleotide nanowires twisted around each with a<br />

repeat unit every 3.4nm, and a diameter of 2nm. This long double-stranded<br />

nanowire also undergocs systcmatic twistings and turnings <strong>to</strong> become con~pacted<br />

in<strong>to</strong> a chromosome about 6 pm long and I .4 pm wide. The chromoson~e itself is not<br />

small enough <strong>to</strong> he a nanoparticlc; rather, it is in the mesoscopic range of size.<br />

To gain some additional perspective about the overall scope of nanometer-range<br />

sizes involved in the buildup of hiological stnictures. let us consider the human<br />

tendon as a typical structure (Tirrcll 1994). The function of a tendon is <strong>to</strong> attach a<br />

muscle <strong>to</strong> a bone. From the viewpoint of biology, the fundamental building block of<br />

a tendon is the assemblage of amino acids (0.6 nm) that form the gelatinlike protein<br />

called collagen (I nm), which coils in<strong>to</strong> a triplc hclix (2nm). There follows a<br />

threefold sequence of fiberlike or fibrillar nanostructures: a microfibril (3.5 nm), a<br />

subfibril (10-20nm). and a fibril itself (50-500nm). The final two steps in the<br />

buildup, specifically, the cluster of fibers called a /irscic/t. (50-300pm) and the<br />

tendon itself (10-50 cm). are far beyond thc nanometcr range of sizes. The fascicle is<br />

considered mesoscopic and the tendon, macroscopic in size. Since the smallest<br />

amino acid glycine, is -0.42 nm in size. and some vinises reach 200nm. it seems<br />

appropriate <strong>to</strong> define a biological nanosmlchire as king in the nominal range from<br />

0.5 <strong>to</strong> 200nm. With this in mind, the present chapter focuscs on nanonieter-size<br />

constituents of biological materials. In addition, we also comment on some special<br />

cases in which artificially constructed nanostnicturcs are of importance in biology.<br />

See Gross (I 999) for some additional discussions of biological nanoshuctures.<br />


12.2.1. Sizes of Building Blocks and Nanostructures<br />

There are a number of ways <strong>to</strong> determine or estimate the size panmcters d of the<br />

fundamental biological building blocks, which are amino acids for protcins and<br />

nucleotides for DNA. If the crystal structure is known for the building-block<br />

molecule, and there are n molecules in the crystallographic unit cell. thcn one can<br />

divide the unit cell volume Vu by II and take the cube rmt of the result <strong>to</strong> obtain an<br />

average size or average dimension:<br />

(12.1)<br />

If the crystal structure is orthorhombic (see Section 3.3). then the unit cell is a<br />

rectangular box of length a, width 6, and height c with the volume Vu = u x h x c, <strong>to</strong><br />

give for the avenge size of the molecule d=(a x h x c/n)"', where n is thc number<br />

of molecules in the cell. In a typical case n is 2 or 4. For the higher-symmetry<br />

tetragonal case we set a = b in this expression, and the cubic case for n = I has the<br />

special result a=h=c=d. One can also deduce the size by reconstructing the<br />

molecule from knowledge of its a<strong>to</strong>mic constitution, taking in<strong>to</strong> account the lengths<br />

and angles of the chemical bonds between its a<strong>to</strong>ms.

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