HP 8590 E & L Series Spectrum Analyzers and HP 8591C Cable TV ...

HP 8590 E & L Series Spectrum Analyzers and HP 8591C Cable TV ...

HP 8590 E & L Series Spectrum Analyzers and HP 8591C Cable TV ...


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840 !calculate the percent distortion:<br />

850 Prcnt,distort=SQR(Summ,sqr)/Fund~amptd,v*lOO<br />

860 GOSUB Clearscreen !clear the alpha screen:<br />

870 !Output,data:<br />

880 !send data to the screen of the computer:<br />


900 OUTPUT CRT USING "llX,K,DDDD.D,K";"FREQ = ";Fundamental;" MHz"<br />

910 OUTPUT CRT USING "llX,K,DDDD.D,K";"AMP = ";Fund-amptd-dbm;" dBm"<br />

920 OUTPUT CRT USING "llX,K,DDD.D,K";"2nd HARMONIC = -";Harmonic_dbc(2);" dBc"<br />

930 OUTPUT CRT USING ',llX,K,DDD.D,K";"3rd HARMONIC = -";Harmonic,dbc(3);" dBc"<br />

940 FOR I=4 TO Max-harmonic<br />

950 OUTPUT CRT USING "lOX,DD,K,DDD.D,K";I;"th HARMONIC = -";Harmonic,dbc(I) dBc"<br />

960 NEXT I<br />

970 OUTPUT CRT USING "llX,K,DDD.D,K";"TOTAL DISTORTION = ";Prcnt,distort;" %"<br />

980 !<br />

990 LOCAL 7<br />

1000 STOP<br />

1010 !<br />

1020 Clearscreen: !alpha clear subroutine<br />

1030 !the statement below presses the "CLR SCR" key on<br />

1040 !the keyboard:<br />

1050 OUTPUT KBD USING "# 3" B"*255 75<br />

1060 RETURN<br />

1070 END<br />

The program prompts the user to connect a source to the spectrum analyzer INPUT <strong>and</strong> enter<br />

the source frequency. It sets the spectrum analyzer center frequency to the value of the<br />

source, or fundamental, frequency. It measures <strong>and</strong> records the frequency <strong>and</strong> amplitude of<br />

the fundamental, then measures <strong>and</strong> records the amplitude of the second, third, <strong>and</strong> fourth<br />

harmonics. These values are used to compute percent of harmonic distortion. The result of the<br />

harmonic distortion percentage computation, plus harmonic amplitudes in dBc (decibels relative<br />

to the carrier), are displayed on the computer display. Extensive annotation has been added<br />

(after the exclamation points) to help clarify the program.<br />

If necessary, change the number of harmonics in line 80.<br />

Programming Topics 3-17

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