Revista revistelor - Societatea Progresul Silvic

Revista revistelor - Societatea Progresul Silvic

Revista revistelor - Societatea Progresul Silvic

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<strong>Revista</strong> de <strong>Silvic</strong>ultură şi Cinegetică6. Reversul medaliei: regenerărilenaturale, prada cervidelorUnul dintre avantajele bradului alb priveşte uşurinţa cu carese regenerează pe cale naturală. Fapt care reiese şi din rezultateleobţinute în cadrul unei lucrării de diplomă (Teuşan,1993) în munţii Vosges (Franţa).Tab. 2. Repartiţia speciilor forestiere în regenerările naturale din masivulforestier Donon (în %)The distribution of forest species of natural forest regeneration fromforest massive Dononbrad 61paltin 15molid 14fag 8scoruş 1diverse 1Demn de reţinut: din totalul de 61 % la brad, numai 3 % atinseserăînălţimea de 1.80 m.Nu-i îndoială, cauzele sunt multiple. Determinant este însăimpactul cervidelor. Fapt bine cunoscut practicienilor.„Am văzut silvicultori de teren plângând în faţa regenerărilornaturale exterminate după ani de efort(…) pentru ca apoi săizbucnească întru-n strigăt de revoltă, cerând exterminareacerbului“ (Saillet,1980).Pe scurt: conflicte interminabile între pădurari şi vânători.De unde perspectiva de a reveni asupra acestei teme.BibliografieAmmer, Christ. et al.: Gutachten zum Wald-Wildkonflikt. Broşură, 175 p.Guillermoz, P, 1993: Les Sapins Présidents. L’arbre actuel, nr. 5, Janvier.,10993: Institut pour le Développement Forestier.Hockenjos, W., 1993: Tannenbäume. Eine Zukunft für Abies alb. DRW-Verlag Weinbrenner, Leinfelden-Echterdingen.Hockenjos, W., 2004: Weißtanne – Baum des Jahres 2004. AFZ-Der Wald24.Hockenjos, W., 2004: Der Baum des Jahres 2004 aus der Sicht des Forstpraktikers(Teil I) Der Waldwirt,1-2.Hockenjos, W., 2011: Schillertanne – ein Lehrstück. Naturdenkmal amseidenen Faden der Verkehrssicerungspflicht. AFZ-Der Wald 4,Saillet, B., 1980: Les dommages de gibier en forêt vus par un praticien.R.F.F. XXXII-6-.Teuşan, St. M. 1993: La régénération naturelle comme critère d’équilibresylvo-cynégétique dans la Forêt Domaniale du Donon. Mémoire de find’études. Nancy, le 31 mars .Teuşan, A., 1993: Bradul alb: măsura echilibrului silvo-cinegetic (manuscriptinedit).AbstractSilver fir – more than a forest species?Foundation „Baums des Jahres” called with the beginning of 1989 one species wich is a matter of special concern in thatyear. Year 2004 was dedicated to silver fir tree – Abies alba Mill.Silver fir tree is considered more than a forest tree species being rooted not only in soil but also in the soul of people around– fact lived and of author of this paper.In the forest La forêt de la Joux”with 2660 ha lying along Franco-Swiss frontier it was elected in 1923 as „President” ansilver fir 53.3m high, 4.60 m perimeter to 1.5 m high and 38.93 m3 total volume. Arround this silver fir tree takes placesall rustic festivities during the year. When on this exemplary have occured dry branches, cracks in the bark, foam on thetrunk and woodpecker holes, silver fir tree was cut, stems and cones has been taken as souvenir and has been replaced byanother „President”.From the history of „Black Forest” are reminded about the silver fir tree specimens which reached 68 m height used forprincipal mast of the commercial Netherlands fleet, about the phenomenon„Tannensterben” and of the hurricanes whohave destroyed spruce stands and opened unexpected horizons for silver fir tree.On the secular silver fir specimens (600 years) from Bavarian National Park were identified 2159 specimens of insects,grouped into 263 species, showing the great biodiversity of silver fir tree forest ecosystems.Keywords: Silver fir tree, „President”, specimens, biodiversity.68

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