2010 ilerleme raporu - Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı

2010 ilerleme raporu - Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı

2010 ilerleme raporu - Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı


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duty on alcoholic beverages contradicted the action plan for eliminating the differentials<br />

between imported and domestic products. The realignment of the Turkish tax legislation with<br />

the commitments taken by Turkey in the context of the opening of Chapter taxation needs to<br />

be ensured without delay. Abolition of discriminatory practices in taxation is a key element<br />

for making further progress in the accession negotiations on this chapter. Hardly any progress<br />

can be reported on direct and indirect taxation. Overall preparedness in this chapter is<br />

moderately advanced.<br />

4.17. Chapter 17: Economic and monetary union<br />

There has been some progress on monetary policy. The Central Bank announced an exit<br />

strategy for its monetary policy, which aims to gradually reduce the excess liquidity in the<br />

system. As a first step, the Bank increased the foreign currency reserve ratio for the banking<br />

sector from 9% to 9.5%. Turkey’s legislative alignment with the acquis remains partial in this<br />

area. The Central Bank’s statute does not fully ensure its independence. The government and<br />

the Central Bank jointly decide on the inflation target. The legislative framework (for<br />

example implementing regulations on the investor protection fund and on the operation of<br />

pension investment funds) contains provisions that are not in line with the prohibition of<br />

privileged access of the public sector to financial institutions. Overall the preparations in the<br />

field of monetary policy are well advanced.<br />

Some progress has been made on economic policy. Turkey is a member of G20, and<br />

coordination of economic policy in this forum has stepped up with all the other members,<br />

including with the EU. The authorities have been very active in reviving their economic<br />

relations with several countries in the region, in particular through visa exemption, trade<br />

facilitation and cooperation agreements. Privatisation activities in the energy sector gathered<br />

momentum, first in electricity distribution and then in generation. Turkey ended negotiations<br />

with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a new stand-by arrangement. The authorities<br />

have been more active in working with international financial institutions (IFIs), particularly<br />

the European Investment Bank (EIB), the World Bank (WB), the European Bank for<br />

Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), while<br />

increasing their absorption capacity for new loans. Turkey’s <strong>2010</strong> budget aims to gradually<br />

reduce the budget deficit, particularly through increasing public revenues. Technical work for<br />

the adoption of a fiscal rule through new legislation to control the budget deficit in the<br />

medium term has been completed but the adoption of the draft law has been postponed.<br />

Turkey submitted its Pre-Accession Economic Programme (PEP) to the Commission in<br />

January <strong>2010</strong>. Overall, in the field of economic policy the country is well advanced.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Some progress has been made on economic and monetary policy. The Central Bank started to<br />

implement an exit strategy for its anti-crisis monetary policy. The authorities have been very<br />

active in improving their economic relations within a G20 context, with the countries in the<br />

region, and have increased their cooperation with various international financial institutions.<br />

The legal framework is not fully in line with the acquis, with special reference to full<br />

independence of the Central Bank and the prohibition of privileged access of the public sector<br />

to financial institutions. Overall the preparations in the field of economic and monetary union<br />

are well on track.<br />

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