DeConick A.D

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Seth, the Incorruptible Race, and the Holy Generation (Williams 1985;

Turner 2001; Logan 2006; Brakke 2011). Their communal identity as the

offspring of Seth is derived from the biblical Seth, who is the last son of

Adam and Eve. He was born to replace his brother Abel, who had been

killed by Cain. He was said to be the spitting image of Adam, an exact

likeness of his father. This Gnostic group understands Seth to be their

founder and inaugural ancestor. This is why we call them Sethians.

The earliest Sethian communities represent the initial collision of Gnostic

spirituality with the Jewish Bible, before Christianity began to form

in the Mediterranean. Once Christianity began emerging, some Sethian

communities started to engage Christian perspectives and scriptures, too,

blending them with their received Sethian views. In these cases, forms

of Christian Sethianism grew alongside non-Christian Sethian communities,

as Gnostic spirituality absorbed both Jewish and Christian versions

of the Bible.

Cracks in God

What makes this expression of Gnostic spirituality unique is the way it penetrates

the biblical narrative, transgressing the very foundation of conventional

Jewish covenant spirituality and scriptural interpretation. It leaves

no stone unturned in its quest to figure out how the biblical narrative

confirms the new revolutionary Gnostic orientation. In other words, the

first biblical Gnostics were unwilling to give up their belief in the veracity

of the Jewish scriptures. They wanted nothing more than to align the

Jewish sacred scriptures with Gnostic spirituality, to reconceive the story

of YHWH in light of their own direct experiences of the supreme God.

At first, the biblical Gnostics were concerned about whether or not

YHWH is the ineffable supreme God they had come to know. To this

end, they were obsessed with explaining a crack that they perceived in the

biblical narrative: that YHWH exhibits human characteristics and emotions.

He walks in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day and interacts

directly with the first humans, Adam and Eve. He claims to be jealous of

other gods. He does not work alone but creates human beings with the

assistance of other beings, as he himself says in Genesis 1:26: “Let us make

man in our image, after our likeness” (my italics).

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