DeConick A.D

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In all cases, the virtual ceremonies that the Gnostics performed were

believed to bring initiates into ecstasy, to alter their normal state of consciousness,

to bring them into feelings of disembodiment, the loss of

their souls or egos, and unification with the transcendent. Gnostics used

incubatory and chanting techniques to prompt these altered states of


Given what neuroscientists are discovering about the effect of stillness

and of repetitive rituals such as chanting on the parasympathetic system,

it is reasonable to think that the culture of silence and chanting that the

Gnostics mastered had powerful biological effects that altered levels of

serotonin and dopamine in their brains. It is no coincidence that these

are the very neurotransmitters that are implicated in virtually every major

neuropsychiatric disorder, including depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar

disorder. Long before modern psychologists and psychiatrists, before

medicines like Prozac and Zoloft, the Gnostics sought to heal through

religious initiation the psychological trauma that, in their opinion, inescapably

forms the basis of all human existence. Healing the physical body,

they believed, had a fortunate correspondence to psychological wholeness.

Gnostics trace this psychological trauma to the moment when transcendent

being differentiated and dispersed as spirit into denser realms

of existence, where the alienated spirit lodged deep in the psyche suffers

from a primordial case of separation anxiety. This condition plagues all

humans from birth, because the spirit is the ultimate ground of the human

self. The Gnostics teach that people need to become attentive to

this deep, traumatized, spiritual self, to purge it of its fears, to grow its

immense capacities, to love it, and to consciously integrate it into our

reality. Its integration is profoundly transformative because it enables us

to see one another empathetically, as infused with the divine potential and

impulse yet all suffering alienation. It allows us to see how much we all are

suffering and in need of compassion and love.

In the film Altered States , Eddie Jessup comes to face-to-face with this

primal trauma of the self. Although Eddie had given up the idea of God,

he did come to understand the primal terror of the deep human self coming

into being. In the final scenes of Chayefsky’s film, Eddie has made

enough trips in his isolation tank that he regresses all the way back to

the big bang, to the moment when the first thought came into existence.

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