DeConick A.D

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The Ecstatic Brain

Why bother with such rigorous practices of bodily stillness? Were such

practices merely mimetic of the divinities, or did they achieve something

more for the Gnostic initiates? The literature suggests that the practice

was associated with altered states of consciousness, that the Gnostics

stood silent in moments of great ecstasy. Their records remind me of the

tale of Socrates, who was known to stand still for twenty-four hours in

ecstasy, as if his soul were absent from his body. Were the Gnostics using

bodily stillness and silence to prompt ecstasy?

The Gnostics claimed to offer initiates out-of-body experiences and

unitary raptures with a universal Good. This is the stuff of ecstasy, or

what we today might call altered states of consciousness. Ecstatic states

of consciousness are universally attested phenomena. Beneath the layers

of local divinities and locations that populate ecstatic experiences, we find

a set of commonly reoccurring characteristics, including an awareness of

disembodiment and liberation, feelings of ineffability and timelessness, an

altered sense of the self and its boundaries, and participation in or integration

with a transcendent category of being (Shantz 2009, 71).

Modern neurological studies show that these types of ecstatic states of

consciousness have a biological basis (McNamara 2009). Although it has

long been known that the ingestion of certain pharmaceuticals can induce

altered states of consciousness, what we are now discovering is that brain

structures actually undergo increased activity during an ecstatic state of

consciousness. These have been identified as a circuit involving the limbic

system (figure 6.5). This circuit starts in the prefrontal cortex when attention

is directed away from the external senses (1). This triggers a decrease

in the activity in the parietal lobe and the right orientation association

area (2). The right hippocampus is stimulated, leading to the activation

of the quiescent centers of the right amygdala and hypothalamus (3). This

arouses the autonomic nervous system, leading to changes in the midbrain

and feelings of peacefulness (4). The continual stimulation of this

circuit results in the deafferentation of the orientation association area

and feelings of transcending space, time, and self (5). This brain circuit is

regulated mainly by dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitter systems.

During ecstatic states, serotonin levels fall and dopamine levels rise.

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