DeConick A.D

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moment of birth determined a person’s emotional disposition and physical

constitution. In the Gnostic story, this concept was elaborated to include

the fact that the soul and body were created by the dark lords, the rulers

of the planets and stars. The souls and bodies they created were stamped

with their imprint, with whatever attitude the ruler of the planet possessed

at the moment of the person’s birth. The dark lords sealed and owned

what they had created. Each demon owned that part of the human being

and had the power to infect or blight it.

The basic Gnostic story behind this idea is the belief that the transcendent

spirit sinks into denser and denser cosmic materials as it incarnates

in the human psyche and body. This process was understood as a descent

of the spirit from the transcendent realm into the cosmos through various

zodiac gates ruled by the planets. As the spirit sank into the world, it

literally passed through various constellations and planets, receiving along

the way the psychic or soul inclinations of each of the rulers of the planets

and stars.

These inclinations were given to the soul when each star demon along

the way created the soul, part by part. In the Sethian book the Apocryphon

of John, we learn that the soul parts are given by each of the planetary

rulers, including the soul’s bone, sinew, flesh, marrow, blood, skin,

and hair. Each of these soul parts is aligned with a psychic capacity, such as

goodness, intention, piety, tyranny, domination, envy, or wisdom (Apocryphon

of John, Nag Hammadi codices [NHC] II.1 11.23–12.25, 15.14–24;

compare with Apocryphon of John in Berlin Codex 2 48.11–50.2). Lists

of these psychic aspects are found across the ancient Greek and Roman

literature (Gospel of Mary 16.5–12; Corpus Hermeticum 1.24–26; Macrobius,

Scipio 1.12.1–16; cf. Proclus, Timaeus 1.148.1–6, 3.335.12–15; Servius,

Aeneid 6.127; Epiphanius, Panarion 26.9–10).

The body is a similar matter in the Gnostic story. Every part, from

head to the toe, is created by 365 named star demons, according to the

Apocryphon of John. Nothing is left out. There are demons who create

the ears, nose, lips, molars, tonsils, uvula, throat, fingernails, heart,

stomach, spleen, and vertebrae, to name a few in the long list provided

(Apocryphon of John NHC II.1 15.13–19.15). The Gnostic teacher Basilides

agrees. In his system, there are 365 astrological powers responsible for creating

each part of the physical body. Thus, each part of the human body

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