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At his tread and at his footsteps

The earthly world was alarmed.

The dead heard him and lived.

The sick heard him and were cured,

Lepers heard him and were healed,

They got up, they arose, they were healed

By the healing of Manda d-Hiia,

Which, in his goodness, he bestowed upon them

And life is victorious.

Miriai’s story is amplified in other Mandaean literature. In these stories,

Miriai hates everything about her ancestors, from their synagogues to

their laws. She curses them with dust in their mouths and dung on their

heads. She only loves Manda d-Hiia, her Lord, her helper come from the

world of light (Book of John 34).

In another prayer, this one uttered by Mandaean priests on Fridays, the

great angel of light is described as a man, a nazirutha ( nazoraean ), whom

Miriai loves. Nazoraean is another Mandaean self-designation, meaning

“guardian ” or “possessor” of secret knowledge, and today it refers to

priestly initiates or learned laymen. To make matters even more interesting,

this is also the name that some of the first Christians used to designate

themselves as guardians of the Jewish law as Jesus wanted them to observe

it (Fossum and Munoa 2004, 156–57).

Miriai is the object of persecution by her Jewish family and her neighbors

in Jerusalem, who do not like the fact that she not only abandoned

the ancestral religion but also is a priest of a new baptizing religion, the

Nazoreaens. She has been installed as a priest by Anush (Man), an ‘uthralike

Manda d-Hiia who is from the realm of light and is a stranger on earth.

Anush is the heavenly messenger sent to earth during the Roman period.

He takes on bodily form and appears in Jerusalem. According to the

Mandaean scriptures, he heals the sick, gives sight to the blind, cleanses

lepers, raises up the lame so that they can walk, and makes the deaf and

dumb speak. He also raises people from the dead, using the power given

him by the king of light. He teaches that there is life and death, light and

darkness, truth and error. His teaching is recognized as the true religion.

Stories about him emphasize that he healed Miriai from head to foot and

did so for no fee (Right Ginza 1.29, 2.53, 14.328, 14.331).

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