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bodily silence as an incubatory practice. Once they had become skilled in

incubating silence, he instructed them about reality as it was revealed in

the Gnostic Book of Baruch .

Then, mimicking Elohim, Justin guided the initiates on their sky trek

to the star gate of the Lord, where they chanted the same line from

Psalms: “Open the gates!” When the portal opened they passed through

and were guaranteed a vision of the Good Father. As living spirits like

Elohim, they were offered a drink from a fountain of bubbling life-giving

water and then were told to bathe in it. The bath was magical, ending the

suffering of their divorced spirits by returning them to the realm of the

Good Father and securing them within his realm forever.

Hermaphrodites at Heaven’s Gate

One of the most complex descriptions of a Gnostic group is Hippolytus’s

narrative about the Naassenes ( Refutation 5.6.3–11.1; see Lancellotti

2000). The Naassenes called themselves Gnostics because they said that

they alone had experienced the depths of knowledge. Their other name,

Naassenes, is inspired by the Hebrew word for snake, nachash .

The Naassenes believed that the God from which everything originates

is a serpent living in the moist essence of the primordial universe.

In this belief, we are not far from the Egyptian Atum. In the Naassene

account of reality, the primordial god is a hermaphrodite, whom the Naassenes

call Adamas. Like the Egyptian All-Lord Atum, he is envisioned as

a serpent coiled in water before anything existed. This Primal Man, the

Father-Mother God, is the source of all life, which flows from him like a

river with three currents: the noetic (mental), the psychic (soul), and the

earthly (physical). This river and its currents flow from Adamas’s transcendent

realm down into the realm of Chaos.

The Naassenes or Snake Gnostics were ancient perennialists, people

who promoted the concept that the different religions around the world

all allude to the same universal God. They believed that this serpentine

God Before All Gods is the reality beneath the worship of every god at the

world’s shrines and temples, every religious ceremony, and every mystery

initiation. They believed that their ancestors had recognized an original

god called Primal Man, but that the glory of Primal Man had been tarnished

by trying to capture him-her in statues, temples, and myths.

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