DeConick A.D

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Jesus become convinced that he is more than this. He is the “savior of the

world” (John 4:19, 42).

Jesus teaches her about the “living water” that gives everlasting life

(4:7–15). He explains to her that the Father God is “spirit” who can’t

be worshipped in temples such as the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem or the

Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim. He tells her that she has been worshipping

a God she doesn’t know, whereas he worships a God he does

know. He persuades her to follow him because he can give her knowledge

of God that she doesn’t have (4:22).

Over the years, scholars have surmised that the early Johannine community

experienced an influx of Samaritans, although there has been less

effort to distinguish what type of Samaritans they were (see Odeberg

[1929] 1974, 171–89; Bowman 1958, 1975; Meeks 1967, 216–57, 286–319;

Buchanan 1968; Freed 1968, 1970; Brownlee 1991; Purvis 1975; Brown

1978; 1979, 37–39, 43–45). This distinction is very important because

the Samaritans were divided by a number of schisms in this era. So the

question is not whether the formative Johannine community included

Samaritans. It most certainly did. The question is what kind of Samaritans

they were.

Simon Says

In the book of Acts, we learn that Samaria was among the first areas to

be missionized by the Jerusalem church, and the Simonians in particular

were targeted. According to the record in Acts, Philip travels to a Samaritan

city as an ambassador of the Jerusalem church (see Samkutty 2006).

A large number of people from this city convert (Acts 8:4, 6).

Who were these Samaritans converted by Philip? They were Simonians,

devoted to the worship of Simon as the Great Power of God who had the

Holy Spirit (8:9–10, 20). The Simonians are baptized in the name of Jesus

Christ, after becoming convinced that Simon did not really have the Holy

Spirit because he could not outperform the great miracle worker Philip.

After the Simonians were baptized and became Christians, Peter and John

were sent to the mission to lay their hands upon the converts and convey

to them the Holy Spirit (8:14–17).

Given the Gospel’s portrayal of Jesus as the descendent spiritual superman,

the account of the conversion of the Simonians in Acts has real

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