DeConick A.D

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becomes an ephêbos (youth), fourteen years old. The initiation is conducted

when the moon is in its crescent phase.

To start things off, a drinking ritual is performed, when water that

has been turned into wine is drunk from the cup of Anacreon, a famous

Greek poet known for his drinking songs. Yet this phase of initiation is

characterized by hymns of silence and no speech, suggesting once again

the use of incubatory practices to still the body and prompt ecstatic states

of consciousness. Hippolytus records the words said over the cup, which

suggest that the induction of an altered state of consciousness had something

to do with chemicals, too (Hippolytus, Refutation 5.8.6–7):

Bring water, boy, bring wine,

Make me drunken, make me sleepy;

For my drinking-cup informs me

Of the kind of man I must be,

Speaking without speech in silence.

This phase included a sky trek along the cosmic pole, the Milky Way

river of stars that flows through the heavens. This river streams downward

from Primal Man into Chaos, the generative ocean from which the

human originates. Its upward flow reverses the process, turning humans

into gods. Joining its upward current means that the initiates have left

behind Egypt, which symbolized for them heterosexual intercourse. As

newly born hermaphrodites, the initiates cross the Red Sea and enter the

Jordan River in order to return home to heavenly Jerusalem as the kingless

generation (Hippolytus, Refutation 5.7.37–41).

Where are they headed? Up to a star gate they call the Gate of Heaven,

a portal that will lead them out of the cosmos. This is identified by the

Naas senes as “the third gate,” a star gate that they believed Jacob saw

when he dreamed of a ladder set up on earth, the top of which reached

heaven (Hippolytus, Refutation 5.7.20; cf. Genesis 28:17). It is also the

true gate spoken of by Jesus in John 10:9: “I am the true gate” (Hippolytus,

Refutation 5.7.20). Unless the initiates go through this gate, their

spirits will remain confined to the realm of temporality and suffering.

Which star gate are they talking about? The ancient people had a shorthand

way of referring to the planets based on their proximity to the earth,

and Venus is the third in that arrangement. The Naassenes identify Venus

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