DeConick A.D

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well as with the craft of astrology and magic. The result of this religious

interchange was the emergence of a large number of unique Gnostic grassroots

religious movements with wildly networked mythologies, doctrinal

systems, and ceremonies, which I cover in chapters 6 and 7. As we will

see in chapter 8, Gnostic spirituality eventually influenced the Christian

teachings of Valentinus and others in his influential school.

In chapters 6, 7, and 8, we also will see that the goal of Gnostic religions

and movements is to alleviate human suffering and isolation by addressing

our ultimate concerns, deepest yearnings, and profoundest experiences

through myth and ritual. Gnostic movements are not about civic

or familial duty. They are not a contest in appeasement or a placation of

a God to be feared. They are not premised on attempts to secure God’s

favorable judgment and recognition in order to procure a better life here

or hereafter. They are about the renewal of the human as God and the

wielding of this personal power to forge a better life in the here and now

and forever after.

In chapter 9, we will see that the relationship between Gnostics and

conventional religions was tenuous at best. Because of this, Gnostics

ended up developing reform and separatist movements at the margins

of the conventional religions, where they critiqued conventional thought

and worship. More often than not, Gnostics found themselves beyond

the borders of their ancestral religions, worshipping at the frontier, outside

the boundaries of conventionally organized religions. Because of this,

many Gnostic leaders chose to start their own religions altogether rather

than trying to reform an existing tradition.

Gnostics heavily critiqued claims to authority that traced religious legitimacy

to the traditional gods or their human representatives or scriptures.

For the Gnostic, authority lay within the heart of each person, and

revelation was its succor. Although Gnostics built their systems with wideranging

reference to conventional religions and philosophies, there is always

an element of revelation involved in the emergence and maintenance

of their movements. It is the revelation that gives the movement its authority

and legitimacy, not the harking to conventional wisdom, however

reasonable the wisdom might be.

We will see how all of this fostered hostile relationships with those people

who honored traditional wisdom, like the Christians who called themselves

“apostolic” and “catholic.” The Apostolic Catholic label designates

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