DeConick A.D

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Liturgies of the Dead for the Living

The first and second books of Jeu complement each other in that they are

Gnostic liturgical handbooks. Each contains directions for ritual activities

that release the soul from the body and assist its ascent through the star

gates. The final stop is the highest and innermost treasury of light, the

house of Jeu.

The journey is very similar to what was envisioned for the Egyptian

dead, who had to journey through Duat, the Egyptian underworld. The

Book of the Dead comprises liturgical spells that guide the dead through

the gates into underworld realms and lead to Osiris, who lives beyond the

final gate. On the way to Osiris, however, the deceased is met at the gates

by horrible guardians with hippopotamus faces and snake bodies, watchers

who must be appeased with the correct spells.

These spells include calling out the guardians’ names and displaying

the guardians’ symbols. Failure to do so would result in immediate annihilation

of the deceased, who is swallowed by the frightening beast-like

gods. The deceased hoped to make it through all the gates safely and to

be brought under Osiris’s protection when he or she was admitted to his

court as a devotee. It was only the pharaohs, the royalty, who might look

forward to an afterlife sailing on Rê’s boat through the stars.

In Hellenistic times, however, the stellar afterlife became the prerogative

of people beyond the royal household. They thought it possible for

their souls to catch a ride on Rê’s bark, too. The liturgies in the books of

Jeu reflect this trend. The people who used these liturgies were trying to

make certain that their souls would not get stuck in the afterlife purgatories

but would be prepared to journey successfully through all the star

gates and make their final resting place with Jeu, the sun god.

The liturgies are systematic and instructional, ultimately leading the

initiates through the sixty treasuries with directives like “When you reach

the X realm, the rulers of that realm will come and stand in front of you.

Seal yourselves with the seal. Y is its name. Say it once. Hold this cipher in

your hands. When you have finished sealing yourself with this seal and you

have said its name once only, say these defenses too: ‘Withdraw! Because

we call upon Z.’ ”

The instructional nature of these liturgies strongly suggests rehearsal

and performance in a communal setting where a leader assists initiates

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