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and from the heavens (their souls), they believe that they have been transferred

from this mixed human race to the pure or heavenly race of the

gods. The allusion points to the nature of the human being as it is related

in the myth of the Titans who cannibalized Dionysus. All humans are a

combination of the earth and the sky, but only the initiates have purged

themselves of the Titanic nature and cultivated the Dionysian (Bernabé

and Cristóbal 2008, 41–42). They have recovered their divine nature and

belong to the race of the gods. The tablets glory in the promise: “Happy

and fortunate! You will be a god, from the mortal that you were” (173).

Next, the tablets tell us that the guardians of the Lake of Memory

consult Persephone about the arrival of the deceased. Should the deceased

be allowed to drink? She grants permission to drink from the lake. After

drinking from the lake, the deceased recall the path to Persephone

that they learned during the initiation ceremonies. The deceased progress

along the Sacred Way, approaching Persephone as supplicants. The deceased

hope that Persephone will send them to live with the other bacchic

mystics who have already died and passed along the Sacred Way. So they

declare their purity: “I come, pure from among the pure, pure!”

Persephone yields, and the deceased are permanently transformed into

heroes and gods. This transfiguration is described as regeneration or rebirth.

The tablets talk about the deceased plunging beneath Persephone’s

lap, becoming a baby animal that has fallen into milk (figure 1.5). This is

likely a reference to the rebirth of the deceased as a suckling infant from

the womb of Persephone (Bernabé and Cristóbal 2008, 76–83). Then it is

off to the sacred groves and meadows of Persephone, where they will drink

wine and dwell happily with the other heroes and pure ones already there.

Although the Orphics clearly focused their rites on the concept of the

divine human, this concept stayed locked within the old metaphysics of

servant and ecstatic spirituality, doing nothing to reframe or reform traditional

Greek religion. The deceased gains an immortality of inebriation

and revelry, but they do so as Persephone’s favorites, locked within the

underworld with her other darlings.

The Red Pill

The three types of ancient spirituality are united when it comes to the human

being. The human is a servant to a master god of exceeding form and

power; a vassal legally bound to a mighty liege; a client of an influential

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