DeConick A.D

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Jesus, the Christians portray Simon as negatively as possible. In the Christian

stories, Simon emerges as a charlatan and magician who competed

with Peter and the first apostles and lost.

In one of the stories preserved in the New Testament book of Acts, we

learn about the “great power” Simon, who had a large following of converts

in Samaria. When the Christian apostle Philip arrives there for the

first time, he is successful in converting the Simonians and baptizing them

in Jesus’ name. Even Simon himself converts, because Philip outdoes him

in terms of the miracles he can perform. When Peter and John arrive to

help Philip transform the Simonian community into a new community of

Christians, Simon offers to purchase the Holy Spirit from them. Simon is

berated by Peter. He goes on to beg Peter to offer prayers to the Lord on

his sorry behalf so that Simon does not rot in hell (Acts 8:9–24).

Although this story may preserve a historical kernel that some of the

Simonians were the first to convert to Christianity in Samaria, Simon’s

conversion is bogus. It is a Christian attempt at propaganda, to dismiss

Simon the superpower and elevate their own, Jesus, the Power and Glory

of God.

The same sentiment can be seen in another Christian story, in which

Simon and Peter duel it out in the Forum at Rome. Simon tells a crowd

of onlookers in Rome that he is going to ascend back to God the Father

from whence he came. He flies all over the city of Rome, to the astonishment

of everyone.

Peter curses, asking the Lord to make Simon fall from the sky and

break his leg. Peter’s curse succeeds. Simon falls from the sky, crumples

on the ground, and is stoned to death by those who once believed him to

be their superpower. From that day forth, the story goes, the Roman Simonians

changed allegiances. How does this Christian story end? Instead

of paying honors to Simon, the Roman Simonians were persuaded by

Peter that the true superpower is none other than Jesus (Acts of Peter 32).

Savior of the World

In the Gnostic world, there is only one way to deal with the monsters,

the dark lords who rule us. A divine emissary or savior descends to earth

from the great realm of power in order to guide and save humanity. The

Christian versions of Gnostic stories feature the emissary Jesus, not just as

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