DeConick A.D

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This same type of liturgy is preserved in another old Sethian document,

the Trimorphic Protennoia. In this rendition of the Five Seals ritual,

Forethought descends into the underworld to awaken the initiates. She

claims that her life spirit dwells even in the souls incarcerated in Tartarus,

the deepest pit of hell. Her job is to awaken these souls and grant them

gnosis. She is the voice crying out to everyone in Hades, awakening them

to the knowledge of the spiritual seed that indwells within them.

The inner spirit is then baptized in the water of life (Trimorphic Protennoia

NHC XIII.1 35.1–37.3; cf. 40.30–41.25). This baptism at the hand

of the baptizing angels Micheu, Michar, and Mnesinous strips the spirit of

its physical and psychic accouterments. Naked, the spirit is presented with

a new robe of light, given by the angels of investiture, Yammon, Elasso,

and Amenai (48.6–20).

According to the Trimorphic Protennoia (40.30–41.30, 49.20–38), the

Five Seals is associated with Forethought’s gift of gnosis. It is the ritual

that strips the body and soul from the spirit and re-dresses the spirit with

a garment of light. The spirit becomes so empowered by its awakening

and transformation that the dark lords of the underworld, the demons of

Chaos, can no longer stop its ascent into the transcendent overworld. The

five seals have defeated their tyranny and provide the spirit with access to

the realms beyond the cosmos.

In the Trimorphic Protennoia (45.12–34), the divinity Forethought,

whose spirit indwells in the human soul, now invites the faithful into her

transcendent realm of light. In this realm, the initiate’s spirit is progressively

transformed from one type of divinity to the next, each level marked

by more baptisms and more investitures of robes, each robe more glorious

and luminous than the last. There also is mention of enthronements and

glorifications in the transcendent realms, when the spirit has achieved a

divine status so elevated that it itself becomes the object of angelic praise


Platonic Transcendence

The more Platonic Sethian texts—Marsanes, Allogenes the Stranger, and

Zostrianos—describe ecstatic ascents of initiates into the transcendent

world (Turner 2001; Burns 2014). The narrative of Zostrianos shows that

baptismal rites were being performed to mark the initiate’s ascent, and

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