DeConick A.D

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into the modern period as religions. The competition with Christianity,

Zoroastrianism, and then Islam proved to be too much, especially given

the political power that the leaders of these other religions were able to

exert to oppress and persecute their rivals.

That said, Islam has long operated from a position of religious tolerance

for “People of the Book,” so that religions like Judaism and Christianity,

which have ancient holy scriptures and prophetic leaders such as

Moses and Jesus, generally have been tolerated. This is probably the main

reason that the Mandaeans, a group of Gnostics who settled in today’s

Iran and Iraq, in the southern marshes of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers,

have survived from the ancient world to the modern (see Drower 1937,

1960; Deutsch 1995, 1999; Lupieri 2002; Buckley 2002, 2006).

When Islam first became dominant in the region, the Mandaean leader

led a delegation of Mandaeans to visit the Muslim authorities—or so their

story goes. They showed the authorities their old holy book, the Ginza,

and declared that John the Baptist, a prophet known to Muslims, was

their prophet. Convinced, the Muslim authorities granted them the status

of People of the Book and recognized their religion as legitimate. The

Muslims called them subba (baptizers).

Who were these people? Where did they come from? The Mandaeans

understand human history to have started with Adam and Eve, but although

this first couple started it all, the actual hero and ancestor of the

Mandaean community is the biblical Shem, Noah’s son. The Mandaean

community traces its origins back to Shem, whom they consider the only

legitimate son of Noah and his wife. Noah’s other three sons, considered

illegitimate, are the ancestors of everyone else in the world.

This understanding means that their legends turn upside down the

conventional understanding of biblical history, a hermeneutic that is characteristic

of other Gnostics we have discussed. For instance, according to

Mandaean lore the first false prophet is Abraham, who serves the Jewish

God, a solar deity. Moses is the second. Their stories about the exodus

from Egypt identify the Mandaeans with the Egyptians. In their folk

memory, the Egyptian pharaoh is the Mandaean leader of this period, the

enemy of Moses and the Jewish people. The pharaoh, however, becomes

the unfortunate victim of the Jews and their false God when many of his

people are killed in the Red Sea. The third false prophet is Jesus, who appeared

during the time of Pontius Pilate.

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