DeConick A.D

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This deceased woman did not have a typical end to her life.

She died, yet she lives, and sees a truly immortal light.

She really is living among the living, and is dead to the dead.

Earth, why are you astonished by this dead body?

Are you terrified?

Here, Sophe’s redemption is highlighted as atypical for the time. She was

not a mortal dying, turning to dust in the earth, but an immortal rising to

the light of the transcendent sphere. She is a god living among the gods,

not a corpse interned among the dead. Such a death must be terrifying

to the cosmic powers, who do not have the authority to detain her in the

shadow world or to force her into another body.

The Terror of Bold Speech

Why were the cosmic powers so afraid of Sophe? There is a letter written

by Valentinus, which provides an answer (Valentinus, frag. 1, in Clement

of Alexandria, Miscellanies 2.36.2–4). In this letter, Valentinus describes

the creation of Adam, when the lords of creation stand around him in awe

of his beauty. They had created Adam in the image of the transcendent

Man, and so he was much more lovely than they. There was something

different about him, too, something powerful that was a part of him but

not part of them.

Unknown to them, Adam had been endowed with a seed of the divine

spirit. Because the spirit is literally truth, this means that Adam had the

ability to speak the truth, what the ancient Greeks called parrhesia (bold

speech) (see Valentinus, frag. 2, in Clement of Alexandria, Miscellanies

2.114.3–6; Dunderberg 2008, 46–59). And his truth-telling struck terror

into his creators, who realized that Adam was on to them and their

lies. They did everything they could think of to stop him from spreading

the truth.

Parrhesia was considered a fundamental duty of Greek citizens in the

Athenian democracy. They understood that freedom of speech and frank

criticism is necessary for a democracy to be successful. It is the obligation

of the citizen to maintain the welfare of the city-state by speaking the

truth, even when the majority of the population may not agree. In the

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