DeConick A.D

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as magazines and newspapers. Like the e-book, the Gnostic is an emergent

structure, an innovative concept that some ancient people began to

use to describe a new way to be religious.

The Ideal Characteristics of Gnostic Spirituality

Ancient people understood this new type of spirituality to have certain

ideal attributes. In this book, I present ancient Gnosticism as a form

of spirituality that in ancient memory was associated with five ideal

charac teristics.

The first characteristic is framed around direct experiential knowledge

of a transcendent God, what the Gnostics called gnosis. In these ecstatic

moments, the Gnostics felt immersed in the overwhelming presence of

transcendence, believing that they had been reunited with the very ground

of being. The experience was utterly transforming, a therapy that restored

them to spiritual and psychological wholeness. According to Gnostic stories,

the god they met in ecstasy is the God who lives beyond our universe

in a realm of transcendence. This God is absolute goodness and love.

Second, these ecstatic states were not always unbidden raptures but

were carefully choreographed in terms of ritual. Gnostic spirituality is

oriented toward particular religious practices that were used to prompt

the ecstatic states and unitive experiences of transcendence that Gnostics

pursued. These practices were built around ceremonies of induction or

initiation. They had intense contemplative and incubatory components

as well as virtual dramas that simulated journeys through the underworld

and celestial realms. They were largely cathartic and psychologically


Third, because they experienced complete unity with the transcendent

God in their initiations, these people were convinced that humans have

an innate spiritual nature that is an extension of this transcendence. It is

the divine embodied in each of us, the transcendent God made immanent

within the human. They called this spark of God the pneuma, or spirit. It

is our permanent immortal aspect, whereas most Gnostics thought that

the psyche, or soul, was mortal. Although the soul survived the death of

the physical body and could be reincarnated or suffer in afterlife purgatories,

it would not live on eternally. Once the universe ceased to exist, our

souls would blip out like extinguished lights.

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