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There are not one but two underworld realms. These are Amente,

the Egyptian realm of the dead, and Chaos, the home of the Greek goddess

Persephone and the Gnostic dark lord Ialdabaoth—the latter must

be a stand-in for the Greek gods Hades or Kronos. Both are places of


Mête, which means “middle” in Coptic, is another realm of purgatory,

sandwiched between the underworld and the celestial spheres. It contains

five sublunar abysses for the detainment and punishment of souls, overseen

by the dark lords Paraplex, Ariouth, Hekate, Parhedron Typhon,

and Jacthanabas. The gates to these abysses regularly open to release the

purged souls, following a calendar based on certain astrological cycles of

the sun, the moon, and Jupiter. The rulers of the five planets, the sun,

and the moon use their powers for both good and evil, assisting in the

release of tortured souls as well as locking them in the afterlife dungeons

for specified terms.

The zodiac is the realm of Sabaoth the Bad, also called Adamas the

Tyrant, and his demonic horde. They determine the fate of souls transmigrating

to new bodies. They establish when, where, and how each person’s

death will happen. Just before the souls transmigrate into their new

bodies, the dark lords bind the souls to counterfeit spirits, which will

coerce the souls into sin rather than helping them to live well. Then these

lords of fate make the souls drink from the cup of forgetfulness. This

erases their memories, keeping the souls ignorant of the mysteries of Jeu.

In this state of ignorance and sin, they continue on, mired in the material

world and perpetual transmigration.

Mesos, which means “middle” in Greek, is the region where souls are

judged in order to be placed into new bodies. It serves as a reincarnation

triage and is run by Sabaoth the Good and the Virgin of Light, likely referring

to the moon and the sun, respectively. Also present in Mesos is the

soul-snatcher Melchisedek, the great power who grabs up souls and takes

them before the Virgin of Light for judgment. Because it is the home of

the Virgin of Light, the ruler of the sun, Mesos must be the ecliptic, the

path the sun journeys through the middle of the belt of fixed stars.

As a kind of cushion between the cosmos and the ineffable treasuries

is a region called the thirteenth realm, in which rules the high god of the

Sethian holy trinity. This is the invisible Father Spirit. In later Jeuian stories,

the ruler of this realm is called by the name Authades, which means

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