DeConick A.D

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internal locus of control. Even though the world they experienced around

them was chaotic and tumultuous, they could gain control over their own

bodies and selves.

So it is not surprising that most Gnostics focused on creating for themselves

extreme bodies, with serious regulations on diet and sex. These

regulations did not necessarily demand withdrawal from meat, wine, and

sex; they just had to be transgressive. They had to defy the normal expectations

of society. They had to subvert the order that the demonic

overlords wanted their Roman agents to maintain. To this end, different

Gnostic groups engaged in both libertine and ascetic behaviors.

Beyond the Borders

When it comes to attitude, transgression is the heart of Gnostic spirituality,

giving it its vitality and edge. It is what distinguishes Gnostic spirituality

from the ecstatic, which had been operating within the acceptable

boundaries of the old traditions for centuries.

This transgressive attitude means that the Gnostic did not always act

in ways that could be tolerated by those who aligned themselves with the

traditional forms of spirituality. They violated the conventional forms of

spirituality that were the bedrock of the ancient religions. These violations

on the part of the Gnostics, intentional or not, drew reactions from those

around them, who marked them as deviant and heretical.

I do not mean that their transgression was merely “different” or “less

tolerated.” Gnosticism was not just an alternative spirituality, and the movements

and religions it spawned were not just alternative religious groups

on the margins of acceptability. The transgression I am talking about runs

much deeper than this. It is “beyond the obvious” (see Wolfreys 2008, 1).

It cracks the code, crosses the line, steps outside convention. And when it

does so, it draws sanctions from others. A deviant group identification is

created for them (see Clinard and Meier 2008, 4–6).

The Gnostics literally turned ancient spirituality inside out and upside

down. They inverted the traditional orientations to such an extreme

degree that others around them viewed the Gnostics as heretics. Those

around them reacted to them as threatening and anointed them transgressors.

They were called beasts, poisonous asps, monsters, imposters, magicians,

charlatans, and liars. The amount of threatening language hurled

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