DeConick A.D

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For a Gnostic text to say that the most wicked and cursed disciple,

Judas, is more perfect than any of the twelve in his understanding of

Jesus and the cosmic mysteries (TC 34.11–35.20) could not be more subversive.

It slams the Apostolic Catholic authorities and their teachings. If

the apostles were ignorant and faithless and working for the dark lords,

then whatever information they passed on that became foundational to

the Apostolic Catholic church is bogus. Following their teachings, which

remains focused on the God of the Jews, leads Christians astray and perpetuates

rituals that empower the wrong God.

Sacrifice to the Dark Lord

The worst part of Apostolic Catholicism, according to these Gnostics, is

the doctrine of a dead man—that Jesus’ death is a sacrifice to YHWH for

the salvation of sinners. The Gospel of Judas was written to point out how

obvious it is that this Apostolic Catholic doctrine is demonic, that it is not

something the transcendent God would ever desire.

How obvious? Because Judas is demonic and is instrumental in the

sacrifice of Jesus, then the only logical conclusion is that Jesus’ sacrificial

death is something that the demons desired and made happen at

the command of YHWH. The Gnostics thought it completely illogical

that the Apostolic Catholics cursed Judas for the very thing that was at

the heart of their religion. That the Apostolic Catholics couldn’t see the

demonic trickery behind their central doctrine was simply dumbfounding

to Gnostics.

The Gnostics thought the evidence indicated that Jesus had been killed

by Judas and the dark lords, demons who thought that Jesus’ murder

would bring about the end of Jesus’ talk about a transcendent supreme

God beyond them. But the dark lords were tricked, because they were

unaware that Jesus’ spirit was conscious, pure, and mature, unlike the spirits

in other humans, which had been lulled to sleep by embodiment and

its pleasures. Even more important, Jesus’ conscious spirit knew the path

back to the supreme God because Jesus was a descendent superpower. At

the crucifixion, Jesus’ spirit was able to leave behind his body and soul

and pioneer the path home to the transcendent God. Unbeknownst to the

dark lords, Jesus was a superpower in human disguise.

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