DeConick A.D

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mind through the vast underground root system of the planet’s ancient

willow-like trees.

As Jake learns about the Na’vi forest from his native lover, Neytiri, he

comes to know this deep connection that the people have with the forest.

They are linked together by a network of energy that flows through all

living beings. At various sacred sites across Pandora, the Na’vi are able to

directly link into the network by plugging their “queue”—a neural braid

at the end of their hair—into the dendrites of a special tree.

Like the ancient Valentinians who used various rituals to link up with

their angel avatars and link into the great chain of being, Jake links into

his Na’vi body by lying down in a coffin-like bed, where he puts himself

into a sleep state. The imagery of incubation and death is intentional.

This coffin bed and his incubation allow Jake’s mind to link into the Na’vi

brain and transfer his self to the Na’vi body. When he does so, the Na’vi

body comes alive.

The link is only temporary, although Jake links so often and for so

long that he begins to lose track of what is real and what is not. At one

point, he records in his video log, “I barely remember my old life. I don’t

remember who I am anymore.” His experiences of linking into an individual

Na’vi mind and into Eywa’s neural network push him to the edge

of his humanity.

As Jake’s human commanders become more and more monstrous, destroying

the Hometree where Neytiri and her tribe live, Jake realizes that

the humans have become his enemies. Jake, linked into Eywa, is able to

muster all the animals of the forest and air to his cause. The animal warriors

are able to push back the human invasion and save Pandora.

In the final scene, Jake has decided to take the ultimate plunge. His

human body cannot be sustained, torn as it is between his humanity and

his Na’vity. He must return to being Jake Sully the marine and go home

or he must permanently merge with his Na’vi body and take up life among

the natives. He decides to give himself over to Eywa, who will determine

whether to permanently transfer his human mind to his Na’vi body or let

Jake die.

The transfer is to take place at the Well of Souls, the greatest of all the

sacred tree sites. Mounds of roots form the ground. Neytiri’s entire clan

sits on the roots, linked in, encircling the vast tree. They are chanting a

prayer to Eywa the Mother. Although we can’t understand the words, we

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