DeConick A.D

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The person became visibly enthused. As the person’s soul reached the pinnacle

of ecstasy, he or she prophesied with intense urgency and boldness

before the congregation.

What was going on with Marcus’s Eucharist? Was there something in

the wine? Hippolytus of Rome is certain that drugs are involved in Marcus’s

ecstatic Eucharist. Given the testimony about the physical alteration

of the color of the wine, the effervescence of the wine in the chalice, and

the physiological and mental changes of the chosen one, Hippolytus must

be right.

A special plant compound must have been mixed into the wine of one

of the Eucharistic cups, though not in the others. The chemical reaction

would have altered its color, so that it became the color of blood when it

was held in the hand of the hopeful congregant. How thrilled the person

must have been when the wine changed color right before her eyes and

she was selected by Grace to be the congregational leader and prophet

for the day.

Likewise, the effervescence of the wine in the chalice must have been

produced by a compound smeared on the inside of the chalice, so that

a bubbling reaction resulted when the “blood wine” was poured in and

mixed with it. Whatever the nature of the compound, it stimulated the

prophet’s body almost instantly when ingested. It put the prophet’s autonomic

nervous system into immediate overdrive and sent the person

straight into psychedelic ecstasy. Although the festivals of Dionysus relied

on the sacramental inebriation of wine for their religious enthusiasm, and

the mysteries of Demeter used a special barley brew called kykeon , Marcus

mixed a drug in a wine beverage. With this remodeled Eucharist, Marcus

made sure that all of his congregants left the church service on an emotional,

if not a psychedelic high.

The Spiritual Gnostic Church

Marcus had taken the conventional Apostolic Catholic service and turned

it on its head. His Eucharist was still about communing with God, but the

communion was on a level of enthusiasm unparalleled in other Apostolic

Catholic or even Valentinian churches. Although he and his congregation

still prayed to God the Father, they included in their prayers therapeutic

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