DeConick A.D

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brings him joy is painting his shopwindows with holiday scenes. He wants

to be an artist. So he turns colored as he takes up some brushes and begins

to paint oversized nudes of Betty in cubist style on his windows.

Betty and Mr. Johnson have responded to the subversive Gnostic message:

think for yourself; act willfully. They have become gods. And with

this, chaos erupts in Pleasantville. Violence bursts into the streets as the

coloreds and the black-and-whites riot over their town and their future.

A Dead Man’s Religion

The Apostolic Catholic church began to dominate the Christian religious

landscape in the late second and early third centuries due to their more

centralized organization, their accommodation to Jewish and Roman

norms, and their successful exploitation of public media. The less accommodating

grassroots Gnostic communities, on the other hand, faced escalating

hostility, refutation, and rejection.

Like the violence that erupts in Pleasantville when the Gnostic characters

challenge the conventions, some ancient Gnostic texts intimate that

their communities were not just rebuffed but also were persecuted and

suffered physical violence for their beliefs and practices (see Authoritative

Teaching NHC VI.3 26.20–26; 1 Apocalypse of James, Tchacos Codex

[TC] 1 25.9–14; Second Treatise of the Great Seth NHC VII.2 59.22–29).

These attacks were not merely violence at the hands of Romans persecuting

Christians; they also included violence at the hands of Apostolic

Catholics. “We were hated and persecuted,” one Gnostic remarks, “not

only by those who are ignorant but also by those who think they are

advancing the name of Christ, since they were unknowingly empty, not

knowing who they are, like dumb animals” (Second Treatise of the Great

Seth NHC VII.2 59.22–62.26).

This Gnostic author goes on to explain that the Apostolic Catholics he

knows are absurdly ridiculous because their religion is based on a silly doctrine

about a dead man, his body sacrificed for sin. Their church is an inadequate

imitation of the true Christianity that the Gnostic advocates. While

pretending to offer Christians freedom through Jesus’ death, the Apostolic

Catholic church actually delivers them into slavery. Such ludicrous

doctrines, he says, are tragic jokes promulgating fear. They are doctrines

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