DeConick A.D

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Like Eve, we have been cut out of Adam’s side. We are two longing to

be one.

The answer to this horrifying dilemma involves correcting marriage

on all levels of existence, from the human to the transcendent. In the

wake of Sophia’s trauma, the divinities in the transcendent realm renew

their spousal relationships with each other. In celebration of their renewed

vows, they collaborate, generating collectively a new divinity that reflects

the very best of God. This new divinity is the male God Jesus.

Jesus’ mission is to descend into the lower realms and find the fallen

Sophia. She is to become his fiancée. At the end of time, he is the delegate

who will escort her back into the transcendent realm as his bride.

Likewise, the redeemed spirits will unite with their angel bridegrooms,

their divine avatars, who are waiting for them in the transcendent world.

The Valentinian teacher Theodotus envisioned this grand finale event,

complete with a wedding banquet. After the banquet, the bride and groom

undress and, naked, join each other in the bridal bed. They become one

syzygos , embracing each other in an eternal moment of consummation

(Clement of Alexandria, Excerpts of Theodotus 63.1–65.2).

Human marriage mirrors this sacred story of mishap and reconciliation.

According to the Valentinians, the marriage that degrades sex to he donism

results in separation and corruption. Hedonistic sex only leads to

trouble, especially because conceiving a child is always a possibility, if not

a probability. The ancient people did not have any reliable form of birth

control beyond abstinence and abortion. So sex meant conception. And

conception, they believed, was tied intimately to the thoughts and feelings

of the parents while they were engaged in the sex act. Because the

parents’ thoughts and feelings affected the actual formation of the fetus’s

body and soul, ancient people felt that lustful desires could cause severe

damage to the child.

To solve this problem, the Valentinians proposed that the pneumatic

Christians engage in a form of “sacred” or “pure” marriage. There were

parameters to this type of marriage. To start with, it was heterosexual

and monogamous. Liaisons outside of the marriage were strictly forbidden.

Sacred marriage meant that sex was performed intentionally between

spouses as an act of love. The sex act was a sacred moment when the

couple would raise their thoughts in prayer to the transcendent God.

This intentional orientation toward the sacred made the moment

transcendent. It was believed that the lovers’ angelic avatars would be

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