DeConick A.D

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2.30.2, 4.38.1, 3). Likewise, the Jewish assumption that salvation was dependent

on the observance of YHWH’s rules, on righteousness and piety,

was established as a self-evident Christian norm, although the rules that

applied to them were reduced to the Ten Commandments (2.29.1). Resurrection

of the body also appears to have been a Jewish assumption that

is validated as natural for Christians to believe (2.29.2, 4.pref.4).

Validating Jewish assumptions, however, was dicey business for these

Christians, because the Catholics also had to build for their own scriptures,

beliefs, and practices a natural platform that superseded Judaism

while not replacing the law and the prophets outright. They did this by

designating as “apostolic” the Christian scriptures and traditions on which

their churches relied (3.1.1). This helped them persuade others that their

churches did not use “forged” scriptures and newfangled traditions but

relied on scriptures and traditions that legitimately continued YHWH’s

revelation through his son, Jesus, and the first apostles (4.33.8).

In the end, Christian orthodoxy was aligned with the naturalized assumptions

of the Apostolic Catholic rule of faith because of powerful

sociological forces in play in Roman society. The correlation between Roman

values and the values of the Apostolic Catholics helped to legitimate

and naturalize their so-called ancestral positions over and against those of

innovative Gnostic groups. Orthodoxy came to mean obedience to the

way of the elders of the Apostolic Catholic churches, leaders who were

known to be the successors of the apostles. The elders were the ones who

possessed the “gift of truth,” which they passed on to their successors in

the Apostolic Catholic churches. They were to be obeyed.

Christians were warned to be suspicious of any group that did not belong

to this succession of bishops, or of any congregation that assembled

in places not sanctioned by these bishops. Such divergent and innovative

people can only be revolutionaries, they thought. They can only be threatening

transgressors who will be incinerated by the fire of God’s judgment

(Irenaeus, Against the Heresies 4.26.2).

Gnostic Insanity

The transgressive truth the Gnostic possesses pushes the Gnostic to the

brink of insanity in Aronofsky’s film. To know God’s secrets is to play with

fire. As Sol tells Max in Pi , “This knowledge is death.” This is part of the

message of Aranof sky’s cult classic.

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