DeConick A.D

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modern world, the Gnostics developed therapies to resolve anxiety and

stabilize the human condition, although their therapies functioned within

the context of religious practices rather than science and the counselor’s

office. The variety of Gnostic Christian myths and accounts of their activities

focus on the origin of the human psyche (soul), how it came to be

damaged, and how healing can take place within the context of religious


As we saw in chapter 2, Gnostics trace humanity back to time primordial,

to a god, a hermaphrodite or androgynous being, who like a great

snake rests silent and inert in the elemental waters. This is before anything

existed. What happens to this solitary being? Different Gnostic texts suggest

different things, although there is not much a solitary being can do.

He can look at himself in the water. He can think about himself. He can

stand up. And he can masturbate. Different myths have him doing all of

these things.

The result is that, through these actions, he takes form and multiplies

or generates himself, birthing divinities like himself, creating a world of

divinities in the process, which eventually leads to the creation of our universe

and ourselves. The process is like a great chain of being falling down

from utter transcendence. Creation ultimately is transcendence manifesting

itself. And for these Gnostic religious thinkers, this meant that the

transcendent, the pneuma (spirit), had become immanent in us. It had

become part of who we are, mixed in denser forms of reality, enmeshed

in our psyches and our physical bodies.

So Gnostic spirituality is oriented toward a sacred that is transcendent,

that is permanent being, which overflowed and generated different realms

of existence, including our own. The one becomes the many. But here is

the catch: the Gnostics thought that this generation process was flawed in

some way; that which overflows is in some way not exactly the original. It

is a copy, a reproduction, an outpouring that eventually becomes corrupt

or diminished.

This unavoidable corruption is not traced back to sin or error but

to separation, when the whole God severs itself in the process of individuation.

This process of separation and individuation results in suffering,

anxiety, fear, terror, and remorse. This reminds me very much of the

basic premises of developmental psychology today. We have learned that

the child must separate from the mother, must differentiate, to become a

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