DeConick A.D

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Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. This is the beginning of creation, initialized by

Atum, the God Who Made Himself into Millions. He is the One and

All. He is the supergod over all other deities, whose name and figure are

hidden (Assmann 2001, 240–243). He is the undifferentiated unity from

which everything emerges in differentiated forms, whether gods, humans,

animals, or the cosmos at large.

The progression of gods from Atum does not start with a big bang

but with the awakening from unconsciousness of a primal God of All, an

awakening that starts the flux of existence out of Atum’s depths (179). In

an Egyptian myth that is four thousand years old, we see an astute awareness

of a unity behind the diversity of the cosmos. This unity is identified

with a single self-created God responsible for life, which flows from his

mouth like an inundation of the Nile.

In the Book of the Dead, Atum is portrayed as a great serpent of the

deep, dwelling in the ocean that the ancients believed surrounded the

world. In his creative capacity, he is depicted as the circular ouroboros,

whose tail is held in his mouth. This image recalls Atum’s ability to continually

create by inseminating his uterine mouth. As the ouroboros, Atum

perpetually generates, sustains, and renews the world. His circular coil envelops

the world as the unity from which the cosmos perpetually emerges

(figure 2.2).

Atum is the creator, but he is also the destroyer. In this capacity, he is

pictured as an erect, scepter-like snake with a protruding tongue. In this

form he destroys chaos and evil. Just as he did at the beginning of time,

he passes through the underworld on his bark every night, beating down

the writhing coils of Apophis, the serpent of chaos who dwells below the

horizon in the outer darkness.

What will happen when he releases the serpent tail that he is swallowing,

when he decides to stop procreating and to lie down again in the primeval

ocean? At the moment when Atum reclines in the waters, all cosmic

differentiation will cease to exist. Atum will float inert in the primordial

sea, as the potential for life once again.

The Religious Buffer

In seeking the first inklings of Gnostic spirituality, we must look within the

Egyptian context. To be more precise, Gnostic spirituality first emerges

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