DeConick A.D

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O Aeon of Being!


Truly, Truly!


O The One Who Is, Who Sees The Aeons!

Truly, Truly!


The One Who Is Eternally Eternal!

Truly, Truly!

IAO Forever!

Who Is In The Heart, Who Is!

Son Forever, Son Forever!

You are What You Are!

You are What You Are!

The person who chants this prayer, with its strings of vowels, claims that it

elicits a vision of Jesus as the perfect God within. He says that he has come

to know God internally as Absolute Permanence and has been transmuted

by uniting with the immutable. He has become light itself.

The initiate continues to chant praises, giving voice to the profound

knowledge of God he has just experienced (Gospel of the Egyptians NHC

III.2 67.15–20; my translation):

You, Son, I see!

Forever, Forever!

O Aeon, Aeon!

O God of Silence!

I honor you completely!

You are my rest!

O Son! You Exist!

You are The Formless One Who Is Among the Formless Ones!

You are The Who Is!

After he chants this glorification, he assumes a posture of reverent silence

by stretching his hands out from a folded position and circling them to his

breast. This movement, he thinks, mimes the circular shape of the many

divinities of light in the transcendent realm. This brings to mind Gnostic

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